Open Book 11th Mississippi from MJ Miniatures


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi Folks ,

Tis time to get the latest from MJ Miniatures , this was released a while back and announced here by them on PF and on Social media.


Title; 11th Mississippi Inf.Reg 1861

Reference: MJ16-003

Scale: 1/16th

Material: Gray Resin

No of pieces: 2

Sculptor: Dae-Hyeong, Kim

Box Art: Man-Jin, Kim

For more details on the Box Art painting :

Lets have some details on the the Regiment depicted , the 11th Mississippi

The actual Regiment composed of a total of the following companies

Companies in the 11th Mississippi Infantry Regiment
Company A - The University Grays
Company B - The Coahoma Invincibles
Company C - The Prairie Rifles
Company D - The Neshoba Rifles
Company E - The Prairie Guards
Company F - The Noxubee Rifles
Company G - The Lamar Rifles
Company H - The Chickasaw Guards
Company I - The Van Dorn Reserves
Company K - The Carroll County Rifles

lets have some details on Company G - The Lamar Rifles

When first mustered into service, the Lamar Rifles uniform consisted of gray frock coats with red trim on the collar and cuffs, and eight red chest bars with buttons at each end.
They also wore gray trousers with red stripes down the legs.
They wore "Hardee" style black hats with one side turned up and with a brass infantry bugle on the front.
Most were armed with 69 caliber smoothbore weapons, such as the 1842 Springfield musket and 1816 Springfield conversion muskets.
Most of the men were Southern born. 86 were from Mississippi, 13 from North Carolina, 8 from Virginia, 8 from Alabama, 8 from Tennessee, 4 from South Carolina, 4 from Georgia, 1 from Ohio, 1 from Illinois, 2 from Ireland, 1 from Germany, and 3 were of unknown origin!!!


Total Soldiers Who Served: 139
University of Mississippi Attendees or Grads: 16

Average Age: 21.2 years
Oldest 42
Youngest: 16

Average Height: 5ft, 8-3/4in
Tallest: 6ft, 2in
Shortest: 5ft
Married: 3
Single: 136

Killed/Died of wounds: 32
Died of disease: 9
Died of unknown causes: 1
Wounded/Wounded and captured: 48
Captured/Surrendered unwounded: 11
Missing in action: 0
Discharged - Disabled/Conscript Act: 25
Transferred: 1
Resigned/Retired: 1
Deserted: 3
Non-casualty/Incomplete record: 8

Casualty Rate: 72.7%

Total: 139
Student: 47
Planter/Farmer: 51
Clerk: 20
Merchant/Salesman: 5
Professor/Teacher: 3
Mechanic: 3
Lawyer: 3
Medical Student: 2
Deputy Sheriff: 1
Minister: 1
Physician: 1
Telegraph Operator: 1
Tombstone Agent: 1

The regiment earned a hard fighting and dependable reputation, but they were also somewhat unruly. For these reasons they were often put in positions of vital military importance. During the Battle of Gettysburg the 11th filled the left flank of Pickett's charge and was one of only a few units to breach the Union lines.

The 11th's soldiers were also reputed to have been excellent marksmen, and the men of Company G considered among the finest. Because of this prowess, they were often deployed as skirmishers for the regiment. Company G was the last company of the Confederate army to cross back into Virginia after the Battle of Gettysburg.

July 3, 1863 during the Pickett/Pettigrew charge at Gettysburg, the 11th Mississippi had 386 men present in the ten companies and regimental staff. The 11th suffered a total of 336 casualties during this charge (87% of the men fell). The 11th Mississippi Regiment sustained the highest casualty percentage of any regiment at the battle of Gettysburg, North or South.

In the Lamar Rifles, there were 68 men wounded in action, accounting for 105 total wounds. At their first battle, Seven Pines, 86 men were present for duty. By Gettysburg only 34 men were in the ranks, and at their last battle, Hawkes Farm, 26 men remained. Of the men that were in any battle, 20 were never wounded; 30 were wounded more than once; one man was wounded eight times; and one man made it through twenty-five battles without sustaining any wounds.

Soldiers from Mississippi regiments frequently wore a star on their uniforms as a symbol of their identity. To these men the star represented sovereign states rights. As the war progressed, Mississippians adopted the eagle as their official symbol and placed this effigy on their belt buckles and cartridge box plates.

This is the 2 sides of a replica colour of Co G (the original is in the Mississippi State Archives)

The colours that the Regiment carried went through 4 changes

bbb ist battle flag.jpg
bbb 2nd battle flag.jpg
bbb 3rd battle flag.jpg
bbb 4th battle flag.jpg


Books are plenty on the ACW here are a couple you might find interesting
Continued in next post

Lets run with the resin:

As with the previous releases in the 1/16th scale releases packaging is a small cardboard box with the parts in a clear bag and surrounded again by a bubble wrap envelope.

On the box top was a picture of the painted piece by MJ Kim

MJ ACW 001.jpg

Parts are minimal in this case a grand total of 2 ..the torso ( with head) and the headwear.
MJ ACW 002.jpg


This could not be simpler , sand away the small amount of excess resin from the underside of the built in base and also the small casting plug on the underside of the hat , after this give the parts a wash to remove any residue , put the hat on the head ( no filler needed) ....... prime and paint away!!

The Torso , our confederate wears the early uniform issued to the unit with the horizontal lace across the chest , sculpting is as I expected extremely well presented , undercuts are very sharply done , folds are good across his chest we have the water bottle and haversack straps , the buckle detail on the water bottle strap is clear and nicely defined .

This statement also applies to the buttons

The collar is low with the separation between that and the neck looking good , this leads us to :

A very young looking face , , no more than 18 I guess , enlisted in a swirl of pride , the uniform impressing his girl , the one he hasn't seen for so long ...will he see her again ...I hope he did .
MJ ACW 003.jpg

Facial features are very clear , mouth slightly open , nice eye and nasal work , the hair is long and straggly , peeking out from under his hat at the front and sides, the texture of this is again an area that looks very good.
MJ ACW 004.jpgMJ ACW 005.jpgMJ ACW 006.jpgMJ ACW 007.jpgMJ ACW 008.jpgMJ ACW 009.jpg
MJ ACW 010.jpg

On the top of the head we have a fitment plug ready for the Hat to sit cleanly in .

The hat is not the Hardee hat he was issued with , long gone in exchange for food , he now sports a civilian type , like those his late father wore , this was one of his , always on his head and he can still smell his tobacco on it.

Shape is nice , pulled down a bit at the front , protecting his eyes.

MJ ACW 011.jpgMJ ACW 012.jpgMJ ACW 013.jpg

Final thoughts

Another nice addition from a great team of MJ and DH , service is as always top notch as is the quality in presentation and casting ...alongside the 91st and the 8th Hussar releases another nice display piece.
These are simple to work with and gives just as much enjoyment as a larger bust

Recommended to all

For more details on this and all the other great releases in all scales why not visit the website at:

e mail: [email protected]

Thanks to
for the Review piece and all of you for looking in

Before I close lets enjoy the boxart in its full glory


Enjoy your modelling
