120mm Confederate Infantry


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Peter Day

PlanetFigure Supporter
Aug 23, 2015

My latest figure is based on Verlinden's 5th Georgia figure. I had problems from the start in that the kit arrived minus the head and right arm. I didn't think it was worth contacting the supplier in Italy - it wasn't their fault as the box was factory sealed, and the kit is so old it would have been unlikely that they could have got hold of replacements anyway. I therefore made the right arm up from a Tamiya spare and Milliput, and the head is by Dog Tag with an added Milliput bandage.

The box art depicts a member of the 5th Georgia 'Clinch Rifles', but I came across the inspiration for the figure, which depicts a soldier of the 23rd Virginia:

download (7).jpg8776_70_189-23rd-virginia-infantry.jpg

I inadvertantly painted the trouser stripes blue, so this will just have to be a generic depiction. I replaced the canteen with a better Amati spare, and also gave him a Verlinden bayonet and pistol from the spares box.
Hi Peter

You must have a large spares box ! ......all credit to you ref sourcing the replacement parts , they work well

Like the overall painting but the shirt in particular looks good as does the boots

Nice display piece

Thanks for sharing

Look forward to the next

Happy benchtime

Neil - Cheers. The white shirt was hard won and I wasn't going to risk ruining it.

Sergei - Many thanks. An easy bit of putty work is about my limit. I can't sculpt for toffee.

Nap - I've got three shoebox sized spares box inside a bigger one - the results of years of recycling and kit spares. Glad you like our man.
Morning Peter

Another super figure and the shirt is great, white isn't easy to tame.

Nice work on the arm too, always good to see your milliput work.

Another figure on the bench?

Hopefully with all its bits too!

The garage seems to have been vacated too, I got my new compressor up and running.

Have a good weekend with the new figure and hopefully you haven't been flooded with the thunderstorms


Steve H
Mobo - Thank you.

Mike - The arm is not quite right, but it will do. I wasn't too bothered about not having the kit head as it didn't look great.

Scott - Cheers.

Steve - Morning. Glad the garage is guest-free and that you're up and running. The new kitchen roof has been leaking during the heaviest downpours and we're waiting for the builder to come back and fix it - only minor flooding though. Next up, the last in the Trumpeter 1/16 series, which should be fun to do (famous last words?).
Nicely done!
This is one of those figures that slipped by me, and now, is not to be found.
Martin - That's a great version and certainly knocks mine into the shade.

Jason - Thanks. Ancient history now.
Martin - That's a great version and certainly knocks mine into the shade.

Jason - Thanks. Ancient history now.

I don`t think so - it is a great version but your version is personalized by the parts you replaced and I like your distinct painting style. Just wanted to show that the original head does not look so bad when painted up different from the style F. Verlinden used on all of his figures. This style often betrayed the true potential and the quality of his releases IMHO.
I overlooked this release until I saw this version - @Jason: It should be still available at the Italian shop Peter uses as a source for his figures.
Steve - Many thanks. Had fun today painting one of your heads for the next Trumpeter Soviet figure.

Marcin - Thank you. Mitches used to do a great trio of characters from the film 'Glory' - Denzil Washington, Morgan Freeman and Matthew Broderick in character. I wonder if they'd consider re-releasing them?

Martin - Thanks for that. I would have preferred the kit parts, but I suppose it's good to have a challenge some times. I reckon Verlinden's painting often suffered from the sheer volume he must have had to paint to keep up with the rate of production. When he's good he's very good indeed, as shown in the close-ups on Australian supplier's BNA Modelworld's eBay listings. And yes, this figure is still available from S&N Models, as are some 120mm ACW figures by Amati.
It is available, but postage is killer, being 11 euro's more than the price of the figure.(n)
Another beauty Peter, you really have a knack with these Verlinden figures. I have a pile of them, some picked individualy(which I'll do at some point), and some which Im not interested in which came as a job lot when I wanted the 'Bridge to Far" set that was hidden in it. If you ever fancy a few of the old English squaddies to rescue, you are welcome to them.
I'm intrigued by the Blue uniform, did the C.S.A wear them too? I thought they wore Grey.
I'm intrigued by the Blue uniform, did the C.S.A wear them too? I thought they wore Grey.
At the beginning of the war, you would find Blue and Gray on both sides of the lines. In fact, during the first battle of Bull Run, one of the turning points was when a unit of men in blue uniforms overran some Union guns, the men being from the 33rd Virginia infantry, who were confederates. The Union gunners did not fire on them thinking they were Union. At that time, uniforms were a haphazard affair, but even later in the war you might find some units differently dressed, the Zouaves (on both sides) for example. In this case, the figure represents a member of the Clinch Rifles, they wore green uniforms for some part of the war before changing to the gray. As the war went on, the Union troops became more standardized in blue, the confederates usually wearing some form of grey or "butternut", a brownish grey color. Their uniforms became more and more ragged and variable as the war progressed.Another unit that wore green were the well known 1st US Sharpshooters of the Union army.