150MM Waffen SS trooper


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Dan, what can I say?...¡EXCELLENT!. I like the camo (I think is the most difficult part in a uniform when you want to paint it)
Would you mind to explain how did you paint this camo?
Thank you.

Beautiful work...the tonality of the uniform is excellent...if I may, which Vallejo colors did you use? I'm actually starting a 120mm Verlinden sniper and was trying to match up decent shades this evening.

Jeff Herne
Thanks guy's. Jaime I'll be honest I just tried to copy the box art as close as I could since it was fairly accurate. Jeff the cammo colors I used were German cammo green, German cammo brown and olive drab. That should at least get you on the right track. Thanks again guy's. ;)
Great job on the figure. Great detailling on the camo and the equipment. Do you, or anybody reading this, know what company manufactures that figure now. I tried looking for P&J Designs on the web and came up with nada. I'm pretty sure some other company released that figure recently and after seeing your first rate job reawakened in me a desire to possess that kit, but I just can't remember its present manufacturer. Anybody know?
Hi John, as far as I know I'm unaware of anybody else releasing this figure. P&J is what is on the box and I bought it from RZM Importers, BTW they have a website so you can try them, you may get lucky. Costas I see you are from Greece! I live in Astoria New York (largest Greek community outside of Greece). In fact my wife is Greek. Anyway thanks for the comments from both of you. Happy holiday's as well. ;)