Now this is impressive to say the least. For starters, I love the sculpting, I can even detect a wad a chomp in the left lower lip. Intended or not, it looks like our GI has some chewin tobaci, something a lot of GI's did beside smoking. Painting wise, I'd say this figure looks incredibly life like, not just the hair details, but that camo pattern and even depicting that stinking rip-stop material is incredible. Lastly, besides the facial details, the M-16 and magazine color tones and details are friggin outrageously well done. Not too many get the magazine weathering detail as it actually is, nor the slight blue tint on the metal and grenade launcher.
I do like this bust, just wish it was the full figure, I'd be on it like hot snot! Bravo!!!!!!!!
Cheers, Ski.
P.S. Not to get too involved in the tussle over the uniform, but when I was in Panama 85-87 we were issued standard Nam era leftover issued BDU's, with those famous blouse slanted upper pockets. This doesn't make me an expert, but when I got back to the states I was issued woodland BDU's. The pockets depicted on this bust don't appear to be slanted enough to be painted in the standard OD Green uniform color (if one wished to paint it as such) from the Nam era to me, but do depict the woodland BDU placement, or lack of slant. Might just be my angle of view. Clear as mud, I know, still doesn't detract from the incredible work, IMHO!