Jim Patrick
A Fixture
Ok, here is Pegaso's figure, #54-177, 1st. Lt., Army of N. Virginia, C.S.A. 1863-1865.
I recently picked this figure up at Mastercon and every since it was announced, I wanted it. After opening the box, I was once again reminded as to why I like Pegaso figures so much. The sculpting and molding found on this figure didn't laeve me dissapointed. Well, OK, a little but this is more due to my painting skills than any fault of Pegaso's. After opening the box, here is what you get.
The head is not attached permantly. I just placed it there because I wanted you to see a little of the detail when I enlarged the photo. No major seams to be found on this figure but the groundwork base is a tad on the small side. No problems here eithere as most painters either scrap this item or add so much of their own work to it that you couldn't recognize it anyway. Here you can see the figure in greater detail now. I hope the pic is in focus. I didn't check these last two pics.
Here is the part where I was a little dissapointed. The flag has absoutely no detail on it. I realize this is what the majority of the painters out there want but when it comes to painting flags, to put it simply, I suck! Regardless, it is a nice representation of a flag and, also, you can paint the flag in any reg't. you so choose.
Some final thoughts before I leave. To me (read
nly me) this figure rings more of an NCO than it does an officer. Yes, I realize that this could be an officer just as well as any soldier or NCO but, I look at him and I see a veteran NCO. Mine will probably change to include the chevrons. If this were indeed an officer, shouldn't the high boots be here as well? Also, the saber. He's just holding the sheath with no straps what so ever. Would you run across a field with a flag in one hand a sheath in the other? Probably not. There should be some kind of strap there for it. It's not even on the box art. Small, but you should know about this in a review. I will probably drop the sheath altogether when I make mine an NCO. I'll find something to put there.
Jim Patrick
I recently picked this figure up at Mastercon and every since it was announced, I wanted it. After opening the box, I was once again reminded as to why I like Pegaso figures so much. The sculpting and molding found on this figure didn't laeve me dissapointed. Well, OK, a little but this is more due to my painting skills than any fault of Pegaso's. After opening the box, here is what you get.
The head is not attached permantly. I just placed it there because I wanted you to see a little of the detail when I enlarged the photo. No major seams to be found on this figure but the groundwork base is a tad on the small side. No problems here eithere as most painters either scrap this item or add so much of their own work to it that you couldn't recognize it anyway. Here you can see the figure in greater detail now. I hope the pic is in focus. I didn't check these last two pics.
Here is the part where I was a little dissapointed. The flag has absoutely no detail on it. I realize this is what the majority of the painters out there want but when it comes to painting flags, to put it simply, I suck! Regardless, it is a nice representation of a flag and, also, you can paint the flag in any reg't. you so choose.
Some final thoughts before I leave. To me (read
Jim Patrick