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The Miniature Figure
Collectors of America
May 10th & 11th 2013
72nd Annual Show & Mart • Valley Forge Casino Resort
1200 First Avenue • King of Prussia, PA
Friday, Noon to 5:00 pm
Saturday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
The Exhibition
The exhibit is for miniaturists of all skill levels and we particularly welcome and encourage the participation of newcomers and juniors. The exhibition falls into two levels; the Junior Level, for ages 16 and younger, and the Advanced Level. The Junior Level is all inclusive such as Figures, Ordnance, Vignettes and Dioramas. The Advanced Level is separated into three
Divisions; Historical, Fantasy and Ordnance. Each Division has a Painters and an Open Category. The Painters Category is for Stock Manufactured Castings and OTB in Ordnance. The Open Category is for Scratch Built (Originals), Conversions, Vignettes and Dioramas.
From Philadelphia Airport: Take I-95 South to #476 North to Route 76 West. Proceed to the Schuylkill Expressway (Rt. 76) West to Exit #327 - Mall Boulevard. Bear Right at first light onto Mall Blvd. Turn Right at next light onto N. Gulph Road and proceed approx. 1.5 miles to First Avenue.
SHUTTLE SER VICE: Shuttle Service from Philadelphia International Airport, Tropiano Transportation: 215.616.5370. Approx.: $30.00 One Way, $55.00 Roud Trip.
From Philadelphia: Take Schuylkill Expressway (Route 76) West to Exit #327 –
Mall Boulevard. Bear Right at first light onto Mall Blvd. Turn Right at next light onto N. Gulph Road
and proceed approx. 1.5 Miles to First Avenue.
From PA Tu rnpike: (Route 276) Take Turnpike to Exit #326 (old exit 24) Valley Forge. Immediately take first right and merge onto N. Gulph Road. Proceed approx. 1.3 Miles to First Avenue.
Special Guests, Events & Seminars” Marion & Allan Ball Retrospective, Meet the Grand Masters, APG (Artist Preservation Group)
Auction, Sword Exhibit & Presentation by Mr. R. Scott Stephenson, Ph.D. Director of Collections
& Interpretation of the American Revolution Center. Check the website for updates and times!
Schedule to be posted at the show.
Schedule of Events:
Friday, May 10th
8:00 am: Vendor Set-Up (only)
11:00 am: Exhibitor Registration and Set-Up
NOON: Exhibition Opens to the Public
4:00 pm: Judges Meeting
5:00 pm: Exhibition Closes - Judging Begins
8:00 pm: Hospitality Room Opens
Saturday, May 11th
8:00 am: Exhibitor Registration and
Set-Up (only)
9:00 am: Exhibition Opens to the Public
NOON: Registration for entries closes
1:00 pm: Judging Begins for Sat. Arrivals
2:30 pm: Dr. Scott Stephenson American
Revolution Center
3:00 pm: APG Auction
4:00 pm: Grand Master Meeting
5:00 pm: Awards Presentation
9:00 pm: Hospitality Room Opens
Exhibit Information
Contact: Dennis Levy: 856-665-8909
Admission $15.00 General Admission (good for both days)
$35.00 Exhibitor Registration
$25.00 Exhibitor Absentee Registration
$15.00 Junior Exhibitor Registration
Includes admission to the show
(good for both days)
Children under 12, free of charge
Starting in 2014 all
MFCA Show event
information will be
sent out via-email.
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“Robert Capa” by Jason Whitman
For More Information Visit:
Photos taken by: Nick Infield