WIP 40mm WSS Austrian Grenadiers 1704


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The coats look really good, Castle Grey sounds like a colour I'd find useful, damn just order other paints but not that.

Great idea on weathering the cartridge pouches, I do a similar technique but start with Cidadel Rhinox Hide, BT I think that would be too dark in your scale.

Got to say I love the Grenadier caps with the tail.

Cheers Simon
I've heard that Rhinox Hide paint many times, it seems like it is one of the useful bunch from Citadel.
I have 5 pots different colors of the old foundation paints , they were amazing, I really don't understand why they had to change them.
Hi Daniel

Must agree with the above last 2 illustrious members comments .....
Loving the whites ...ordered the Castle Grey as well

The way for the pouches looks good as does the headwear .....

Have a officer or 2 to add a Standard Bearer ?

Great updates

Looking forward to seeing more

Have fun @ the bench

Hi Kev,
I hope the Castle grey works for you.

As for the scenette, these figures were discontinued fee years ago, not sure if they even had an officer for the Austrians.
I may have to use another figure and researchthe Austruan Imfantry Officer uniform to add in here, as dar as i know there is no standard bearer.
It is a shame they discontinued these Figures, they are really nice.
Finished the first 2 chaps,
Working on the next 6...
HI Daniel,
I am reasonably certain that Drabant never did an officer, just the two figures that you have. Years ago I was very interested in doing the two French Mounted Dragoons but they were withdrawn supposedly for upgrading but they never appeared again as far as I know. It's a great shame they were a lovely range of figures.
