40th Grenadier on Foot Update 1


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A Fixture
Jun 7, 2005
Hi all,

I wanted to show you my next step.
There is a long time between this step and the first.
Only because I painted the Romeo Templar for our PF FunPaintingContest.
I'll be able to show it only after the 31st August :)

Here the link to the Grenadier's First Step WIP :


I've not done lots since the first step.
I have corrected some part of the face : Lips, around the mouth and eyes.
Smoothed some parts of the hat (blend transitions were too sharp before).
And I started one of the wood troncs.
I decided to paint them one after the other. With changing a bit of my mix I'll wont have poor rendition (I hope). Cuts in the tronc are painted simulations (not sculpted).
When all the troncs will be painted, I'll do some glazes of Olive drab, Orange and burnt umber to give connection between them.
I'll also paint the top tronc in a kind of clear white wood.


Any comment and critics are welcom.

Looks very good, and that pose is a killer, the more I look at it the more I like it.
Just one advice about the 'green glazes' on the trunks, maybe applying them only on the bottom will give you a better lighting effect.
Yes my friend,

I had the intention to glaze randomly, not all the surface.
And of course concentrate the green on the bottom.


Hi Jean Paul,
face look truly amazing! Can't wait to see your next step.

best regards
Hi friends,

thx for the nice comments.

I take my time with this one. Because it's only for my pleasure, no limit in time :)

But right now I'm préparing 2 new subjects :
- a crusader bust from United Empires Miniatures
-and another french soldier from French-Prussian war, sculpted by my friend Greg Girault !!

Dis donc tu me l'avais cachée celle là!!!!!!
ta mise en scène est géniale, la barricade est superbe et le bois est très bien réussi...quant au visage, rien a redire, sauf peut être que je ne suis pas fan de la position du bassin et du dos de la pièce ( t'y peux rien)...

à quand les flèches ;)