Colleagues, I offer you two more figures from the 47 ronin series.
Kaida Yadaemon Tomonobu
Kaida Yadaemon Tomonobu with her sword in her hand protects herself from the arrows with koto a silk case.
Isoai Juroemon Masahisa
Isoai Juroemon Masahisa, making a lunge of naginata.
During the siege of Kono's enemy mansion, the naginata was laid by a halberd. This fraternal work of his should be considered outstanding. When the mice-eaten mechanism of the heavy siege catapult could not be activated, he showed remarkable courage. This man, so gentle and courteous in his life, managed at the moment of highest tension to instil terror into a great many enemies, with his rage similar to that of a suddenly awakened dragon who suddenly saw a wild tiger.
And the other figures in this series.
Kaida Yadaemon Tomonobu
Kaida Yadaemon Tomonobu with her sword in her hand protects herself from the arrows with koto a silk case.
Isoai Juroemon Masahisa
Isoai Juroemon Masahisa, making a lunge of naginata.
During the siege of Kono's enemy mansion, the naginata was laid by a halberd. This fraternal work of his should be considered outstanding. When the mice-eaten mechanism of the heavy siege catapult could not be activated, he showed remarkable courage. This man, so gentle and courteous in his life, managed at the moment of highest tension to instil terror into a great many enemies, with his rage similar to that of a suddenly awakened dragon who suddenly saw a wild tiger.
And the other figures in this series.