54mm ‘Origin’ Nordlys miniatures


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Steve Brodie

PlanetFigure Supporter
May 18, 2015
Had an email from Jakob at Nordlys regarding a very unique piece titled Origin - text from email;

Nordlys Miniatures has found its form and tone in the miniature world. Nordlys is about emotions and people around the globe, and the peaceful creative scene that can be built from the models. Life, nature and man. And you have helped built this. For every miniature you have purchased, it is like having bought a stock in the survival of this little ball of passion. The only way I can think of to thank you is to create a special miniature only offered to you. There will be a minimum of 25 models made, and everyone who have bought a miniature will be offered to buy this. If you look to https://nordlysminiatures.com/product/origin/ you will see a secret miniature called ‘Origin’. This miniature is presented below. It is possible to buy more than one. There are 25 miniatures to be shipped now, and the next stock of miniatures will be arriving in December/January at the latest, and can still be ordered from website. If the first 25 is sold out, it will be stated as being in backorder. Model can be bought until beginning of September.

Nordlys Miniatures has found its form and tone in the miniature world. Nordlys is about emotions and people around the globe, and the peaceful creative scene that can be built from the models. Life, nature and man. And you have helped built this. For every miniature you have purchased, it is like having bought a stock in the survival of this little ball of passion. The only way I can think of to thank you is to create a special miniature only offered to you. There will be a minimum of 25 models made, and everyone who have bought a miniature will be offered to buy this. If you look to https://nordlysminiatures.com/product/origin/ you will see a secret miniature called ‘Origin’. This miniature is presented below. It is possible to buy more than one. There are 25 miniatures to be shipped now, and the next stock of miniatures will be arriving in December/January at the latest, and can still be ordered from website. If the first 25 is sold out, it will be stated as being in backorder. Model can be bought until beginning of September.

Origin shows two hunters tracking a Kudu by running in the scorching midday sun. Very few tribes practice this type of hunting today, but one is the tribe Saan in the Kalahari desert in Africa. Records show that hunting cheetah is even done in the style of persistence hunting. In the book ‘Born to Run’ by Christopher McDougall, it presents the scientific theory that Homo Sapiens won the evolutionary war by gaining the ability to stand with back straight and run down the prey through hours - and even days - of persistence. The ability to cool our bodies through sweat is key in this. The argument in the book is that we as humans enjoy running because we, simple, are born to run. Being in contact with earth and nature and just flowing with the energy. Just as our forefathers did, and just as some tribes still do today. We are, in other words, a running machine built to endure vast amounts of physical effort and persistence.

The miniature is called ‘Origin’. The title is two-fold, as it symbols that the model is a special edition to celebrate the support from you from the beginning of Nordlys, and also that it shows man hunting in a manner that early man evolved into more than a million years ago; Persistance hunting. It is a model sculpted by Stepan Nikolaev, and in 1:24 scale (54mm, models are about 50 mm high), and it includes custom plinth by Lauge Sams. The miniature comes in 12 parts, and has a base sized 11,5 x 3,0 centimeters. Base is 12,5 x 4,0. Casting is amazingly done by Ciprian Negut, and I honestly am amazed at the craftmanship that have gone into creating these traditionally sculpted miniatures in just 54mm scale. The base shows Kudu tracks in the dry Kalahari mud, and is long to give the feeling of the persistance needed.

It can be purchased here;


Just noted on the website these are ‘only available to previous customers’.
Not feeling welcome as a new customer at all now.
Too bad.
Would appear that the initial run of 25 is held for previous customers until September 1, then any left- presently 6..available generally then with more coming end of year…not ideal but can understand and appreciate that those who have purchased before have some priority in the merit order when it’s a small production run..
Great miniatures.Surely refreshing and innovative.I just do not see the point of advertising something when you do not intent to make it available to a wider audience.Looks like sounding your own trumpet.

Great miniatures.Surely refreshing and innovative.I just do not see the point of advertising something when you do not intent to make it available to a wider audience.Looks like sounding your own trumpet.

Steve posted it not the company..and the plan is for wider distribution..and consider the marketing plan as but one option- others do preorders Or Kickstarter…nobody is asking payment up front for later delivery..if you check the site there are several other pieces available
Steve posted it not the company..and the plan is for wider distribution..and consider the marketing plan as but one option- others do preordersOr Kickstarter…nobody is asking payment up front for later delivery..if you check the site there are several other pieces available

Thanks for the information.Glad to know.

Jakob, from Nordleys asked me to post the below on his behalf (wasn’t able to create an account);

hello all :) Jakob fron Nordlys Miniatures here - I figured I would write a few words as a reply to the critique this release is receiving.

Stepan noticed this post, and sent it to me. Stepan had nothing to do with the release format - this is all my idea. An idea I stand behind, and am quite pleased with.

Nordlys is a tiny company. So so small, it might be worth pointing out that selling 25 is small, but not catastrophic. It is almost break even, but with a small loss on my end - and I am ok with that. Nordlys is a hobby business, and I don’t make a profit. Let me repeat that - I have yet to take out a profit from Nordlys, and what I make is reinvested into it. People who buy from me in general aopreciates this - as this makes it possible to create models with the topics that in general do not make a big profit. Models I enjoy, and that there a few hundred modellers out there who do too. Many of whom are very very loyal customers and supporting me throughout the years to create more models - and I wholeheartedly wish to thank them.

Furthermore, during summer I had some postage mistakes - one customer was lacking a part, and the other had a parcel that had been returned to me as he had not been notified due to an error from postage service. Both these customers refused to let me pay for postage again, and I was so moved by this. They even bought more models, just because. I immediately knew I wanted to create a model which was just right for this. And that became this one. It could have been anything, but it became this.

Another thing you should be aware of is that this is a very tricky model to cast. It is quite tiny - and so I sent it to Ciprian Negut - in my eyes the best caster on the planet. Ciprian is so busy that I had to decide exactly how many copies to buy, and this is quite an expensive one to cast (about 15 euros each cast) and I would lose a lot if I cast too many. So the idea to buy just the amount I knew I would be able to sell to break even (almost) came. If I lose a lot of money I can’t make more models.

Now, there are six copies left and all customers have bought who probably wish. Meaning that my thought is that anyone who wants one will be able to get one, even though it is cast in just 28 copies (two for me, one for my partner Mads and 25 for sale).

I write all this to be fully open that I am not a capitalistic business trying to make a profit, but in all honesty wish to offer customers who have supported me something extra.

I also wish to make each release unique and the low counts allow me to do this. Art carts and soecial packaging. I also need to make plinths for each one, which is also a risk.

But please, since you already know about this - if you want one buy one - even as new customer. And if so, I thank you - welcome to the Nordlys Miniatures family. :) I hope you will enjoy this - many more beautiful models are planned - and all customers make this possible - new and ‘old’

Thanks for reading :)

Here is a sneak peak of the package and my two versions that are almost finished!

Thanks for the added background info. It’s great to get to know more about the producer’s side of things. Wishing Nordley’s all the best. Hopefully there will be more such original releases.

What a pity at Nordlys, is the fact that size/scale is not always clear on the webb . Mistery
I will look into this. Which model are you talking about? I usually don’t think much about scale, but will be better at this in the future. Thanks for commenting.
Jakob,after reading your post ,I must say that I have nothing but respect to you.In a very small market (figure modelling) and against some very harsh and totally unfair competition (recasters etc) ,it makes me smile to know that there are people like you still around.People that are driven by passion and a childish enthusiasm.Makes me feel that there is still hope somehow.I totally recal my previous sceptical post and wish you all the best for Nordly's.
