A Fixture
A Stunning piece. The only thing I would have done different is to have painted the gabi0n basket with a dark brown with the bark still on . I live in an area where basket making is still industry and I sold it for 10 years . Basically anything that was of utility use the bark was left on and anything for home use the bark was stripped . It would have been made from willow (greenish brown) or hazel .
Chippy, i completely agree with you on the gabions, but keep in mind that this is set in Martinique, which had the luck of visiting few years back.
The wood and materiel available, plus the sandy beaches and tropical weather would have had a tremendous impact on the shade of wood, in fact , this gabion may be too dark but i guess all depends if it was made recently or some summers ago.
Here is a pic of my Yorktown diorama, which i have paint them darker as you point it out , you are absolutely right on the dark shade , but i believe the caribbean would have been a slighy different.
Anyhow, always appreciate your comments and very useful information, i am glad to have you here

Best regards