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Sculpted by: Adriano LarucciaBox art: ----
Produced by : Adriano Laruccia
Scale: 70mm ?
Price at the time of purchase: 25.00 euro + shipping
Materiel: Grey Resin
Packing and content
Some months ago I ordered and purchased this new Greek hoplite figure , sculpted by the well known master sculptor Adriano Laruccia. It was purchased directly from Mr. Laruccia after contacting him in the following e-mail: [email protected] .Communication ,transaction and shipping went smooth and ultra fast without any problem. The figure consists of seven pieces casted in grey resin and it is packed in a clear plastic box with a flip opening but without and any foam padding or box art. Probably an early release packing?..can’t tell for sure, as I haven’t seen any since my purchase.. In any case the content was intact .

Kit Parts
.The main characteristic of this hoplite is that is presented nude only carrying a helmet the shield a spear. So there is no cloak or body armor. There are numerous depictions of such cases, on classic era Greek pottery and statues

First of we have the main part of the figure which is the body with the head. It is casted as one single part along with the right arm- hand and upper half of the left one. Muscular anatomy and facial details are brilliantly sculpted, and casting is clear and bubble free. Only a small casting block is attached to the feet with minimal to none molding flash overall.

Upper part of the head is sculpted in such way to attach the helmet perched over the forehead. Now the overall height of the figure without the helmet measures 70mm, and with the helmet and crest on, it reaches about 90mm.

The lower half of the left arm-hand is another piece .In the flexor’s area is the main holding insert of the shield , as the hand holds on the front grip of it. These are also the two attachment points to the actual shield part we will see next.

The shield is the classic round one of that era ,and is casted as a single piece.In the outer surface close to the rim is locateted the casting line which need careful removal not to damage the round shape.Some small pins in on the surface looks more probable as worn areas (battle damage?) than resin bubbles.In any case if you don’t want them visible are easily putted.The inner section is more detailed by nature as there were the carrying cords with tassels and metal holding inserts for the arm.All these details are excellently presented with clear casting.

In the center is a shallow pin insert as the basic attachment point for the left hand.(In the following image the arm is put in place without any cleaning of either parts, just for reference .)

The Corinthian type helmet depicted here, is from the first half of the 5th century B.C without the ear openings, is consisted of two parts the main helmet body and the decorative stylized crest (lophos).The shape of the helmet seems great externally . The inner side is sculpted hollowed with a small part of the hair being visible through the eyes and mouth openings as is indented to be positioned perched over the forehead on the figure.

Second piece is the crest. This is also well detailed but I have rise a small question mark here ,referring to the base of the plume. The plumes of these helmets where made of tied up bundles of horsehair (dyed or natural colored) and then attached with pitch (Pitch is a pine tar concoction mixed with wax and ash) to the crest box which was made most probably (as there is no surviving sample ) out of hard wood and then attached by the same glue or pins to the helmet .In the case of this figure’s crest the lower part seems more like tied up horsehair bundles with a close criss cross tieding, leaving a question how this plume could have been attached to the helmet

And some reference of my point.

Still this is only my personal thoughts which does not make the overal look of the helmet bad ,by any means.
Sixth part is the spear.It sports a leaf shape spearhead and a spike( called a sauroter) at the lower end. Also this piece is casted entirely in resin which make it vonarble to bending as the spear pole is slim and long. So maybe is more future proof to be replaced by some micro metal tubing.

Final part is a simple round base with two inserts to secure the feet in case someone wants to use this as his display base.

This is yet another great piece from the master sculptor Adriano Laruccia offering an interesting and more diverse figure of a Greek hoplite of the ancient classic era, ..A beautiful figure for the enthusiasts of that period in very reasonable price tag.Highly recommended.