75 carthago war elephant


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In relation to the battle scene between 2 elephants - this would be a fantastic project however if you don't mind my saying it would need the same sense of 'movement' to pull if off. The war elephant is a strong project (I fancy a crack at it myself) not just because of the nature of the subject but because there is a real sense of movement - not easy to achieve in any art form. The pose of the mounted troops fighting the enemy below are all brilliant and a real sense of motion has been achieved. This certainly adds to why the subject is so popular and people will pay for this. The 2 elephants in the illustration above look great but there is no motion in the pose of many of the soldiers. If these troops were to be created / sketched / sculpted in very dynamic action poses and a real sense of movement and battle is achieved then it would be one hell of a release.
Hello Mr. Shark

Thank you so much for your comment... It was an idea... If i will do it, everything have to work on... Besides this is not mine, so Ive to change and do my own 'image/picture' because copyrights... I just put this has an example... Nevertheless, Its an idea from the past... Its a big project and Its to much for me... If the Carthago war elephant its to big for us, imagine 2 elephants...LOL... LOL... LOL ... In any case, I would like to express my gratitude for your comment... And i will have your tip in mind for other projects that we will develop in the future...

Thank you Sir.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
I picked my copy up at the Darlington Show yesterday and I am delighted. It is a deeply impressive concept and work of art.

I love it....Hugo and Nuno, please don't stop turning your dreams and imagination into reality and pushing the boundaries. There are more that enough manufacturers churning out the same stuff month after month and your stuff is so refreshingly different !

I just don't understand what there's so much noise about this piece. Gaps? Of course there are everywhere in big pieces. Have you ever built and paint a 90mm mounted from Andrea or Pegaso? Or even one of the huge 54mm Andrea sets or even Andrea's 90mm BMW? You'll be surpised of how much preparation needs to be done before painting. Casting ususally has nothing to do with the price. Unless you build a Poste Militaire masterpiece from the past. The old guys know what I am talking about. ;) Just my thoughts ... too much noise for NOTHING.

Hello Mr. Manos

Thank you so much for your words... Truly appreciated... Thank you so much for believe in RPmodels and in me.

Thank you so much.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Havent got the elephant, funds wouldnt stretch at the time so i cant comment on the actual resin fit issues. But i do have their Bader and spitfire cockpit, I managed to ruin the IP panel of the spitfire, but a quick email to Hugo and a new set of decals arrived from Portugal a few days later free of charge. I also have the french camel and his back leg had suffered a moulding issue, again Hugo offered to send me a new camel, as it was a bit of warm water and it was fixed. What i am trying to say , is as a company their heart is definitely in the right place and long may they continue, I have already pre-ordered the Catafratari Camel and looking forward to seeing how the Lanc rear turret will pan out. And if you think these fit issues are bad, you have definitely never built some of Monograms / Revells early aircraft models, stuff of nightmares :)
À big thank you to Hugo for sending me these replacement pieces !!!


I've already started with the elephant assembly (couldn't resist, despite my best intentions) and I'm happy with it.

Sure, there are gaps here and there. Some more pronounced than others. And there are a few seam lines to clean up. But nothing that a sharp blade and some filler won't fix, and nothing that you wouldn't (realistically) expect on a piece of this size and complexity. Should all be bread & butter stuff really for any modeller with a few builds under their belt - and it's not a beginners' kit anyway.

I think that anyone who was expecting this to be a "shake & bake" kit that you can just throw together like a straight up & down foot figure was being overly optimistic. But for anyone taking it on and sticking with it, the pay-off at the end will be a very impressive and eye-catching finished piece in the cabinet.

- Steve
Potentially, using 3D sculpting software and 3D printing, one should have an absolutely perfect starting point for any figure. If multiple 3D prints are made, they should all be identical in every way, due to the digital information and the process that is used. In high volume industries, this digital information is used to generate the mould tools used in manufacture.

As I understand it, these kits have been cast using a manual mouldmaking process, the same as you would with a traditional sculpt. It is this process where the problems have occurred and is down to the contractor. I have spoken at length with Hugo regarding the issue and have offered some advice for future items. I am happy to report that the distorted parts which I had in my commission, have been replaced by Hugo and I thank him and his team for the professional way in which this issue was dealt.(y)