75mm Chasseur a Chavel with Lady


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A Fixture
Dec 21, 2005
Leicester U.K
Hi all this is something i have been working on for the last few months and am glad to say it is finally finished. It is a subject i knew nothing about when starting out so it was a slow process as i had to keep researching for the figures. It is also the first attempt at sculpting a female and its something i need to work on in the future.
I have sculpted the figures with the intention of showing the officer walking out with his lady during a summer evening or perhaps escorting her to a ball and waiting atop the staircase awaiting to be introduced to the ball.

Anyway all comments and critique welcome.








Cy.Young...thankyou the painting will start soon hopefuly.

Jon...thanks for the comment on the braiding, it took along time to complete and more than one attempt but it was a nice challenge and one of the reasons for sculpting the subject.

Gary thanks for the compliment, i suppose if i hadnt of made it all in multiple parts the job would have been a lot quicker.

I like the sculpt a lot. Especially her dress which also caught the attention of my better half.

Their hair and cuts are also nice, particulary hers and I do like the texturing of the fur collar on his jacket.

I think the pose of his right arm seems a bit stiff? There is something about her neck that bothers me even if I cant point it out? From behind it looks perfect but theres something when viewing from the other angles? Perhaps its just me?

Janne Nilsson
Just found this! Outstanding effort!

You don't believe in making things easy for yourself do you mate?

The folds in the lady's gown are spot on, nice one.

Hey Steve
Been a while between natterings!
So this is what you have been up to:)
Talk about a departure from the usual. That's what it is all about though huh; learn as you research...
I really love the details you have made here. The both carry a regal air about them, which is I'm sure what was intended....
The hair as mentioned is great on the lass. I would maybe try to tone down the 'laughter lines' between her cheeks and mouth. A smoother transition here will add to an even softer look for her maybe?
Great stuff
Janne...you are quite right about the ladies head/neck area and its because the head is too far forward on the neck which i will have to rework, great observation.

Matt...i wanted a bit of a challenge and i got it with this one.

Brad...good to hear from you again mate and thanks for the input. What you up to lately,still sculpting ?

thanks guys

Looking at the pictures a second time I would like to add a comment.
Im by no means knowledgable of that perticular era but to me its seams like you captured the feel of the time. At least according to how its portrayed in movies and paintings.

Janne Nilsson
Janne thankyou for your further comment, i was hoping i would create a period drama effect and had to do a lot of researching on the ladies dress which ended up taking a lot of time but enjoyable in the end. I think i will be doing more of this type of subjct in the future especially involving eloborate ladies dresses.


Steve, great sculpting , I'm guessing it's Magic-sculpt and Duro (green stuff )
I really like the close up pic showing the different materials used, very informative, can you let me know how and what material you used to make the buttons . For your first attempt at a woman , the build is spot-on for the time period . Many thanks for showing.

Cheers Ken
Ken thanks for the comment on the work it is appreciated. Yes the green putty is varying ratios of magicsculpt and duro, i find it nicer to use than magicsculpt on its own and it smoothes out nicer and holds better detail.

For the buttons i use a small drill bit (blunt end) and push them out of foil on my cutting mat, the result is perfectly round and consistent buttons with a domed appearance. Dont press too hard though as they will push right into the cutting mat. I have a set of the MICROBOX drill bits ranging from 0.3 - 1.6mm and use whichever suites the size of button needed.
The foil i use is from a squeezy tube of mustard from the supermarket, think its English mustard in the yellow tube, one tube cut open and flattened out can make hundreds of buttons, hopefully the wife wont spot that the mustard has disapeared from the cupboard LOL.

hope this helps mate and if you need further help with it just mail me.

Amazing sculpting.
It's very wonderful modeling.
And a wonderful idea.
I liked it very much.

Mitsutaka thankyou for the words on my figures, i will hopefully start painting sometime soon but i will be a lot slower with the painting than you, painting takes me such a long time.



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