Hi Mark,
Great work on this difficult figure. I love the groundwork it looks a treat. No worries about your painting of the drum it looks fine.
I do however have a couple of tiny points with the sculpture. With this type of drum the tensioning rope passes through holes in the upper and lower hoops passing outside of the hoops. This way when tightened the velum drum skin is pulled down on to the shell of the drum setting the tone. On this drum the ropes appear to pass behind the rim of the drum skin and under the lower hoop.
Additionally, and I wouldn’t put my house on it, I believe that the Guards pattern musicians and drummers sword had a cruciform guard and grip. This was the style used into the early 20th Century when Bandsmen were no longer issued with swords.
With absolutely no success, I did try to down load a page from the Infantry Training Drummers Handbook that shows both of these points in a sketch of a Grenadiers Drummer. It’s in Adobe Acrobat and is not easy to do very much with. I can probably email it if required.
I hope that this is helpful?