No one has said your figure is "horrible" but this piece AS PRESENTED HERE it is not up to standard including compared to others in your own range. Also, the likes of Mercury, Altores and Avanpost etc. have set the bar so high in terms of details and casting QC with resin that a 'so-so' effort will no longer do. Perhaps the pictures on this thread do not do the piece justice and so, you may want to post some others which better represent the actual thing; in which case please do so.
Be honest, what purpose is served for you by everyone giving platitudes saying "great figure" .." a must buy for me"... etc. and then no-one actually buys it and you wonder why after all the comments they haven't put words into deeds and bought a piece?
As others have pointed out very constructively, there are a raft of flaws and poor detail as evident in the pictures but why should painters have to replace them or correct it where it should have been done in production? Ultimately, if you don't want (HONEST) feedback then don't post new products up and instead, just ask your friends for an appraisal and they will probably just tell you what they think you want to hear.