Hi all and many thanks to Macca for his lovely post and the positive reviews!
I’m the owner of Eclectic Miniatures which is a new and very modest endeavour aimed at creating some unusual or neglected subjects.
I’ve been in this hobby most of my life and thought why not have some fun and work with very talented people to create something different that others might also enjoy painting as much as I do?
Currently there are 2 releases, the ALH trooper bust pictured here and a WW2 US Marine 90mm figure. Both are sculpted by the very talented Chris Sorby of Ybrossculpts.
A third release is planned, also an ALH WWI subject but this time a dismounted officer and is a 90mm figure.
I must confess a special interest in the Light Horse. My Grandfather served in the NSW regiment during the Great War in Palestine before transferring to the artillery and serving as an officer in France and Belgium.
I’m still getting packaging, etc organised but if your interested please feel free to contact me on my email:
[email protected]
Thanks again to everyone for their interest and also a special thanks to Mike “The Kiwi” Butler for his assistance and advice on the uniform of the ALH bust!