88mm Flak Gun Diorama


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Hio guys , here post some pics, about the new walls, the lower part, its a slowly work but guess looks fine, let me what you think ok ?

Ed :lol:



your walls look great Edson....I can imagine it does take time to carve them....but as we can see...well worth the effort
GREAT JOB on the walls,Edson (y) (y) ;wish I had the patience to do the same !! Looking forward to the next step,my friend ! BTW,any progress on the figures for your diorama ? Cheers.
Kenneth :lol:
Originally posted by yeo_64@May 13 2004, 12:12 PM
GREAT JOB on the walls,Edson (y) (y) ;wish I had the patience to do the same !! Looking forward to the next step,my friend ! BTW,any progress on the figures for your diorama ? Cheers.

The figures still on "stand by", my friend, cos, I need some accesories for them, so I order some verlinden stuff, hope it arrives the next week .

Ed =D
Hi guys, I has been thinking about the central idea of the dio, as you know some german soldiers used buckles in the belts what said, "gott mit uns" what means "god with us" +/- the figure will be looking at crist image in that part you see (btw, the wall is not made by me, is one of the originals lol) ;) so, lastnight I made these armature using a resin old head from my "multi-stuff" box, and the boot are from another tamiya figure(lol now without feets ) , SO, these is the pose let me know what you think, now comes the hard part...SCULPING!!! :( Im a little scare about that I don´t wanna scrub it up.

stop words, let see the pics....





Hi Edson :lol: ! The figure's pose looks real good so far (y) Don't worry too much about how the sculpt will turn out,just go for it,my friend ! If it will help,I tend to rough out the torso and pelvic part of my sculpt from the plastic parts of the model figure kits (ala Jason Whitman's style),that way I only need to concentrate on the arms and legs for the basic foundation. HTH.Looking forward to the next in-progress shots from you.Cheers !
Kenneth ;)
GOOD JOB,Edson,GOOD JOB (y) !! See,it's not so hard after all,is it ? Keep up the good work and post more soon.Cheers !
Kenneth :lol:

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