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I have a "Walmart" purchase of Fijifilm S3100 camera that came with a 6X optical zoom lense and 4.0 Mega Pixels.

The Kleenix is a brand here of tissue's ( comes in a box and you pull one out to blow your nose :lol: ) Most grocery stores and drug stores carry some brand of Kleenix tissue.....real thin, but enough to difuse the light.
LOL.I see!and i thought it would be some kind of special material used by photograrhers only!!I ll try the technic and post the results as soon as possible.Thanks again.
Hi Dimitrios
well done .Excellent work.I'm painting this figure too.
It seemes that most of the p f. members are doing the same.
So good luck to you all .

What can I say!! Simply BRILLIANT & I really mean BRILLIANT. Why don't you do a tutorial on how you went about painting your figurine. I am thinking of buying the same figurine from Historex Agents very soon. I have just found out that there is a gentleman selling the same figurine on Ebay priced at.......wait for it.....£55.00 and that is the starting bid. That is way over the top - I can get the same figurine from Historex Agents priced at £47.95 + £1.00 post and packing. Anyway enough of my rabling - FANTASTIC painted figurine - come on tell us how you painted it.

Kind regards - have a nice day. :eek:
Just jumped in here. Beautifully painted figure and the first photo, while large, is fine, too. Looks like your Templar is suffering from a paint chip on his right boot toe. I HATE when that happens and it often doesn't get noticed until a photo is taken!
Thank you all for your comments.Actually this figures is the ONE that consummed more time than any other i have painted.I think everybody should get the chance to paint it whether you like the subject or not because except from the brilliant sculpting of Andrea Jula i think this figures shows a very special character.As for the tutorial Centurion i think i am not an expert to do something like that.Nevertheless i ll be glad to share with you my experience on the figure when you get ahold of it.
I hope to see you guys in ATHENS Show soon(well those of you who are not miles away from GREECE!!!!!!!!!)
relly nice pianting, the pictures are good to. makes me want to go out and buy this one...