95th Rifleman or Not? PLEASE IDENTIFY this 200MM British Napoleonic


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Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2009

I would like to have thsi figure identified. Manufacturer,scale (is about a 200MM or a little bit more?) and unit. I know is a British NApoleonic figure now altough it is labeled as a 95th Rifles at Waterloo at the site I bought it

Picture 1 here

Picture 2 here

Picture 3 here

then I noticed that the figure I bought dont appearto have a Baker rifle...then
while researching I found a very similar figure offered by Detara miniatures and is part of a range labeled Bonapartes...it is labeled tough as 43rd Monmouthshire Light Infantry ..Here which was a red coated unit as seen in this website of re enactment of the 43rd Light Infantry

tough I see green patches and whole areas specilly in the trousers as if it was puttied up and converted perhaps or a modification ...

So, it is a 95th Rifles or another light unit? Im doubt ...

Any suggestions as painting, conversions?

Thankfull of any help...:D
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I picked up a painted one of these off eBay. The Alan Ball figures are all 120mm. My figure has been painted as a rifleman. I have no idea of its provenance either. At 200mm scale it is certainly larger than most of the other figures around.

Best wishes,

Hello, first time poster here.

This auction ended weeks ago, but I'm intrigued by this figure.

If this is meant to be a 95th Rifleman, there are several errors. As well as the lack of a rifle that you've noticed, the bayonet doesn't look like the sword bayonet he should have; it's too short and there's no sign of a sword hilt.

The round cuffs are wrong too (should be pointed), as are the pointed gaiters (should be round).

The cuffs are correct for a KGL light infantryman, but then we still have the gaiters problem and the musket problem.

The cuffs are also wrong for a British light unit. These all had either pointed cuffs, or round cuffs with lace. I can't see any lace, just 3 buttons.

If I had to guess, I'd say this was either a Portuguese cacadore, or one of those Prussian Reserve regiments that wore a mishmash of British and local equipment. The 3/21st would be a strong candidate.

Anyway, seeing what it went for, someone obviously liked it.
Hello 4th CuirassierYour analyses is very to the point, and I agree that there are so many mismatches as to disqualify this figure as representing a British Army unit or foreign contingent under the Union Jack.
Interesting your suggestion of Portuguese cacadores or Prussian Reserve