WIP 9th Norfolk Regt. yes another one.


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Geoff Charman

A Fixture
Oct 29, 2016
Seaton, East Devon
After seeing Nap's review of this super figure I managed to purchase one from Robert Lane at Elan13.

Nice mouldings and the cleaning up was very easy to do. So after that and a good wash I gave him a light coat of Halford's white car primer.

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Nice to see there is quite a long back to the bust.

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I started blocking in some colour to the uniform with Vallejo acrylics and painted his face with my usual Artist's Oils.

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His hat and scarf around it I painted in slightly different shades to show a variation and added pearlescent medium to the scarf colour to give it a silky look

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Now for painting the rest and the detailing.

A bit more done yesterday evening and this morning.

Epaulletes, neck stock, lacing, badges and buttons painted using pearlescent medium mixed in with the various grey shades, a lighter shade of yellow wash applied to the collar and turnbacks. The wig also given a light grey-white dry brushing.


This is looking good Geoff, on the home straight.(y)

looks really nice geoff, will be using yours as a reference when i paint mine shortly.


Thanks Guys, I am really pleased with the way he is coming along, it looks very possible he will be on display at TankMod after all this coming Saturday.

"Just about finished " ..you put me to shame ...

Looking good mate ....well done

I have painted the gorget rosettes a red ....adding a bit of colour near the neckerchief ......still toying with a different colour for that !!!!

See you Saturday


PS ...Shameless plug ...don't gorget FOTM !!!