A big Thank-you to Francois Verlinden


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Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2005
Hi Guys,
Here in New Zealand back in approx 1990 I visited a local hobby shop Modelair) and they had a new range of figures in scales 120mm 1/32nd,1/35th and busts made in this new(sic)material Resin.

I had started with the old Airfix 1/32nd scale but these were a revaluation well detailed accurate and easy to paint with a wide range of subjects.

Now I still paint Verlinden busts, accurate , inexpensive, maybe not as interesting as the latest releases but I wonder how many of our painters and sculptors started out on Verlindens' offererings.

So A Big Thank You to Francois Verlinden.

I hope others out there can thank him for a start in a wonderful hobby.


I bought the Verlinden Kettle Drummer only last week, great value and well cast.

He moved the hobby on in leaps and bounds and is a great modeller to boot-Up there with a few other pioneers of the hobby.

My first foray into resin figures were verlinden, I still buy and paint them and they are alway's so excellently sculpted and cast.:)
I'm still using them......cheap and great for conversions!

Hi All,
As Mark said I still use them, value for money and excellent for conversions. Here are a couple of mine, the originals for reference and the converted pieces. Confederate into 24th Corporal and Colour Sergeant 24th into Naval Brigade(y) You are only limited by your imagination.
Verlinden The Charge.jpgCIMG6083.JPGVerlinden Colour Sergeant.jpgCIMG5039.JPGCIMG5041.JPG
My very first figures in 120mm scale were VERLINDEN´s
I still have a lot of them in my showcases at home.
Thanks MASTER !!!!
