Well-Known Member
I would like to publicly thank Jamie (aka Janus) and Tony Dawe and everyone else that put their thought into sending me and "mrs busso_boy" a wedding present on behalf of the Australian figure modelling fraternity and Planet figure in general.
I was mystified when i arrived home last night to find a massive big box on my front door step and totally lost for words when opening it i found a large piece of Tasmanian Huon Pine that has been made into a clock/barometer (picture will be posted soon i promise) as a gift on behalf of Planet Figure and those that i have had the honour to of called customers over the last 4 years of running Empire Hobbies. it has made me speachless which for those of you who have met me will know is a hard task.
Since the demise of Seil (my largest brand at the time) i have given thought to winding down the Empire as it has been a hard slog to replace such a large portion of my bussiness. But this has resoved me to carry on trying to serve the Australian Figure painting public to the best of my ability.
Once again from both Kim and myself a hearty big thank you for your thoughts and good wishes for our up coming wedding (and a small reminder that Empire Hobbies will be closed from the 5th to the 21st of March while we honeymoon in Tasmania)
Regards Ian (aka busso_boy)
I was mystified when i arrived home last night to find a massive big box on my front door step and totally lost for words when opening it i found a large piece of Tasmanian Huon Pine that has been made into a clock/barometer (picture will be posted soon i promise) as a gift on behalf of Planet Figure and those that i have had the honour to of called customers over the last 4 years of running Empire Hobbies. it has made me speachless which for those of you who have met me will know is a hard task.
Since the demise of Seil (my largest brand at the time) i have given thought to winding down the Empire as it has been a hard slog to replace such a large portion of my bussiness. But this has resoved me to carry on trying to serve the Australian Figure painting public to the best of my ability.
Once again from both Kim and myself a hearty big thank you for your thoughts and good wishes for our up coming wedding (and a small reminder that Empire Hobbies will be closed from the 5th to the 21st of March while we honeymoon in Tasmania)
Regards Ian (aka busso_boy)