a Phil Walden Update - Latest Photos


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A Fixture
May 9, 2005
Hi - Just a Quick hello and to say These are my friends Phil Walden's figures he has asked me to post on this site - I am a student of his and I have a bit better use of camera and Computer

The 3 pieces are 1. Harka _ Bust of a WW NZ so;dier doing the cermonial war dance -taken from a photo of period and Philified

2. Cobber - Aussie on the lookout for a Stuka and warning his mates


3. The brginning of a piece he may bring out in kit - And old Japanese archer after just releasing his arrow 18th Century I think Phil told me but he will post and correct me
Great work ,Like the Maori Haka face,he looks very defiant.The digger bust has a nice character about him.The archer looks set in his action even thuogh he has no arms yet I can see the pose,if you know what I mean.Look forward to more.
phil's figs....

Fig one NZ's 28th Maori Batt.WW2 Middle East, working on his right shoulder and arm, musculer tension hopefully will match the face!!!!!!...

Aussie middle east...should be titled "Sir yes smokings' can kill you Siiiiiiir!...just a wee tounge in cheek piece, must do his fag...

Old Samurai archer,.. enjoying making him, hope his age is showing through, have to post some different angles......hope the folks enjoy them, feel free to kick butt....

but before you do yes the spelling is Haka.....Phil
Hi Ian,

Thanks for posting these great pics of Phil's latest work. It's good to see the old Codger is still pushing putty, even if he doesn't know how to use a computer. The Maori 28th haka pose looks excellent.
I have been beaten severely by al my NZ mates about the spelling and yes Tony -we are trying to drag him out of the stone age but He is bigger than me and I am injured at the moment- They are really lovely little pieces and am enjoying photographing them to share with you guys - Have finally found a way so I can post on this site so more to come
phil's figs..

hi brother,...
I can so use a computer,l know the on button , l know the off button whats more to know...A!....and by the way whats wrong with the Stone Age, just think about all the subjects I'll be able to play with in my future.....A!......back off to my cave now...

thanks for the good words guys..Phil..
Look Great Bro,
Will the 28th be made commerical if so will be interesting to see other peoples ways of painting the intensity and power in the haka (Have to watch alot more All-black games)
Love the Cobber bust can picture the sweat and grit build up just plain damn hot and sand . Archer what can I say just screamin for paint (simple or high detail ) will look beautiful, need more pics and as Ian is busted up he should'nt put up to much of a fight . Also get some photos of the New Guinea Gunner and post

Keep Pushin the envelope..........Chris
Haka,....re Aussie New Guinea....

Hello Chris,...
The Australian bren gunner, New Guinea late WW2, 120MM Casual postion moving up the line Bren over left shoulder, choice of hats and heads...Roo shooter type face or young blokes face..
He been all detailed and is ready to go to the caster, but must fit in with his work load....

cheers for those good word l'm into the Maori Haka bust big time...Phil...
Haka...re Aust Bren G......

T,Dawe my son afternoon...
mate he is in 100 little pieces but photos are happening along with blue tack, will post as soon as Ian has done his thing...may paint this bloke my self he!he!.....

catch you bro... Phil...