A Question for Newcomers....


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Jim Patrick

A Fixture
Dec 21, 2003
El Paso TX
First and foremost, this is not meant to be an accusation of any sorts.

My question to all of the newcomers here. What makes us (myself included at one time) wait to join an online figure site (any site that you choose)?

I guess my intial pause to join was due to, prior to pF, there were at times some nasty fights that sprang up. Also, at one time I joined any and all figure related sites and soon found out I was getting MUCH more spam than I was actually benifiting from a particular site.

Well, those are my reasons for pausing before I joined. So what are yours?

Jim Patrick
To learn things that I can´t (or possibly could) through trial and error.
Being a member of a forum has the advantage of being able to ask, wether by PM or openly on the forum...and not just to look if I was "just" a visitor.
I joined here on an invitation / suggestion and because I take that persons advise to be sound..I did so. I´m Glad I did, I´ve seen some things, that if I wasn´t on the forum I wouldn´t have. I say that because without the fact of being a member, I would maybe have forgotten the adress or maybe just not bothered.
I´m on a few forums, different scales and themes, some I visit a lot, some not so much.
I have seen some pretty hefty fights go on on some forums...which probably would never occur if the people were to meet each other in person, but that´s life :)
I joined to learn, and my projects have gotten alot of good, helpful replies. That being said I have seen the fights, I made a thread about getting an online compilation of reference shots for sculptors and a member who I wont name started insulting me on the thread and then in PM about it.
I have also seen some of the "fights" or better said, arguments, that can break out online. I think we all have seen them. My biggest reason for pausing to join, is simply because at the time of my pause, I have nothing to show in order to receive feedback. I know my way around a plastic model and as well am fairly comfortable dealing with assembly and painting of miniatures, but I feel that my abilities are not to the point where I can offer advice to others. Therefore, the main reason I join these forums, is to hopefully get feedback on my own work so that maybe one day I can give a little back.
I here you Clint. I too have not finished anything to make note of. This funny thing called "life" keeps rearing it's ugly head. Kinda makes modeling less important although, truth be told, we shudn't let life get in our way of a hobby. After all, our hobby is an escape mechanism from life.

I wouldn't be shy about posting your comments on other painters works. I pat on the back or a question on how "such and such" was done will sometimes give us the nudge that we seek. Also, sometimes, a fresh perspective on a figure can be just what the doctor ordered at times. Often time we focus so intently on the small things that a simple (and correctable) mistake will often be seen by the most inexpierenced painters.

Jim Patrick
I was told about this site by a member and I am glad I joined. I dont attend shows much anymore due to shift and weekend work and I kinda miss it. I used to enjoy competing. This makes up for it somewhat as I can put photos of my pieces online and get feedback on them, good or bad. It is also nice to speak to miniaturists worldwide as I would not get this opportunity in any other way. To date I have not had any spam relating to being a member of this site.
I joined because I wanted to get back in to modelling (gave up at 16/17 ish and started again at 38!!) with figures in particular. This was the most helpful, informative site with loads of very talented people so no better place to learn.

As it happens I have met 3 members at shows who are all great people and modellers in thier own right so I have gained on all fronts.

It's also inspiring when you have people comment on your work which encourages you to improve and , for me , there is no better place than here to do just that.

Yes, I have been on the PF site and am a Planeteer for some time now.

But I wanted to say I think this is an excellent question, and hopefully, gets
the members and visitors who are not that eager to post forum comments, to
just say what is on their mind. And I've read thru all the comments so far, and
feel even more so, that this really was a very good initial question.

The fact that there are real ladies and gentlemen here, with good manners,
and who are eager to be of help to everyone, plus the very intelligent
guideance of Gordy, is certainly a good reason why I continue to check out
PF everyday and continue to learn so much from the talented and well
mannered people who are fellow Planeteers. Until I found PF, I really didn't
think there was a site that didn't allow any nasty comments, and name
calling. As we all know, the person saying nasty things does not have
to worry about anyone really knowing who they are or where they
live. So those cowards feel emboldened to vent their spleens, and be
all-together little minds and little people who do not understand that when
we say this kind of nastiness, we tell everyone more about ourselves than
those who we are attacking. But those kinds never figure that out.

Rick Brownlee, a.k.a. the Miami Jayhawk, Kansas Kid
Jim, a very good question. I've been on this site (time allowing!) for years and have seen the 'fights' you refer to.
Unfortunately it seems a lot is down to people taking criticism the wrong way. In written form, you can't see that often comments that are well meaning and said with a smile, are taken as full character assassinations.

I joined here as I recognised I could only do so much on my own and needed help and advice. Through this site I was able to join a model club, Welling, which is one of the best things I ever did. I implore others to do the same.
Yes I'm serious. I just got into the hobby Saturday at the valley forge show. I was told about this forum and was wondering if there were any other good ones
Yes, there are more. Here are a few....

http://www.figurinitaly.com/ - In Italian.

http://www.hfmodeling.com/ - Historicus Forma.

http://www.timelinesforum.com/ - Timelines.

This should be more than enough to get you started.

Jim Patrick

P.S.- Just so everyone knows, the fighting I was refering to was on an old site (the name slips my mind now) that was around, and shut down, several years before pF even existed. To say the fighting on there was bad would be an UNDERSTATEMENT!
Well, this thread is about 10 days so hopefully this won't be a lazarus. :D

I've been a member of a very active model horse forum for a couple of years now and I still hang out there. Coming from a miniature painting background, I was really surprised at the stuff that didn't crossover between the two hobbies but should. It is crossing over more and more now but I like to get the best of both worlds so to speak.

The main reason I'm searching for various forums is first, information and studying a variety of techniques. Not everything is crossing over yet so what I can't learn there, I can learn on forums like pF.

Second, the horse forums...how can I say this...can get extremely political, religious, etc. discussions going and while I try to avoid those threads, it's downright overwhelming sometimes.

I like my hobbies to get away from the BS in life, if I want a huge debate over geo-political situations or whatever, I'll find a forum for that.

While lively discussions are good and I have no problem with various off topic threads, it gets wearisome seeing huge spats all the time.

Exploring sites like CMON and pF, I also realized because of the lack of crossover, many folks don't have as much horse information as they would like and I can help with that. I enjoy giving back to my hobby and to people who have given me help with various techniques. So if I can help by giving someone horse info, then that's fantastic!