Review A Rumble of Russians from Model Cellar -Cossack and Line Infantry


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi to everyone ,

In all aspects the Russian Army in the Crimean period was a well battle hardened one with soldiers that fought in terrible condition in the Crimea often with poor supply lines and in the case of cavalry malnutritioned horses .

The Crimean period is a very colourful one with many interesting types from all the combatants including Russia , Frnace and Italy and of course the the red coated armys of Victoria .

The subjects of this review are 2 of the the ordinary soldiers from the Line Infantry and the scourge of the wind swept steppes ..a Cossack .
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The busts we are looking at are from a range released by Paul at Model Cellar and sculpted by a member of PF ...namely Steve Leadley

As always books are plenty especially with the recent surge in interest in the period but here are a few of my favourites

Infantry consisted of 6 Corps each of 3 divisions with 2 brigades each with 2 regiments , blind obediance to orders was the only accepted thing with harsh penalties for those that did not comply .An estimated 80.000 were needed each year to maintain levels , with service length being 25 years , it was not unknown for NCO's and indeed officers to beat the men .


Great emphasise was placed on the use of the baynot with most infantry having the persussion musket .
Daily life was hard 6 men sharing a wooden bowl , hard dark bread and cabbage soup and a daily ration of vodka .
Greatcoats were issued every 3 years inbetween make and mend was the order of the day.

The Cossacks were the part of the Irregular often with others having a low opinion due to their preference for booty rather than duty , despite that when in battle they were feared .

A Don horse Regt consisted of 6 sotnias with a strength of between 600-725 Cosacks.

The lance was often seen in use , with the troopers mounted on tough and hard working ponies .

Continued in next post:

Looking now at the releases ,

Firstly the Line Infantryman :

Title: Russian Line Infantry Crimean War

Reference: MC120 B02

Scale: 120mm

Material: Resin

No of pieces: 2

Sculptor: Steve Leadley (Valiant on PF)

Casting: Paul at Model Cellar

Box Art: Dan Capuano

As with all from Model Cellar they are well packed in small (in this range) boxes with polystyrene chippings filling up the box keeping the pieces safe and sound within the bubble wrap envelope they are in.
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On the box top we have a full colour picture of the painted piece by Dan ...good reference.Reveiws 023.jpg

Consisting of 2 pieces , the bust itself and a base ( this being common in all boxes withing this range)

Before I look at the actual bust the one thing that I look for is the casting quality and how much prep I need to do before the brushes come out ........................

In this and ALL the others from Model Cellar , Paul who actually does the casting himself has achieved a extremely high level of casting quality , with any plugs/sprues being minimal and in the least obtrusive place..I only wish others would take note .....WELL DONE Model Cellar

Prep needed took me 45 seconds involving a sanding block on the underside and around the edges of the can't ask for much more than that .

Sculpting is smoothly done with undercuts being well done in all area's , working from the top:
The forage cap he wears and often seen is a lovely piece of worn , particularly the piping around the edges and the Russian lettering on the front ..all very tight both in casting and sculpting .
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The face is a battle hardened veteran , moustached straggly hair , looking straight ahead , the hair is nicely detailed as well as the 'tache .
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The uniform is high collared with the distinctive cross belts being worn , on which we see the small expense pouch .
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Epaulettes have the Regiment number on them which are well produced (you could of course convert these .

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The base is a nice addition if you choose to use it well styled and of course well cast
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Fit onto the base is super clean and only a minimal amout of filler is needed but most modellers might prefer the use of a brass rod...5mm perhaps .

This is a lovely start to the range a simple painters piece in a good size which allows the painter to refine his skills (minimal display space needed as well ) ..a "cool" study indeed .......well sculpted and casting being of the highest order .

Continued in next post:

On now to the 2nd in the Russian Rumble...the Cossack :

Title: Russian Cossack Crimean War Reveiws 022.jpg

Reference: MC120 B01

Scale: 120mm

Material: Resin

No of pieces: 2

Sculptor: Steve Leadley (Valiant on PF)

Casting: Paul at Model Cellar

Box Art: Dan Capuano

Suffice to say QUALITY in casting abounds together with the great sculpting so no need to say it again ...but I will .....its TOP NOTCH .

As with the other packaging is the same , prep on this was even less ...NOTHING (y)...a well happy modeller :)

Looking at the pueces now our Cossack is again a painters piece wearing the distinctive headwear held tightly onto his head by a chin strap , he is also a rather unkept individula as befitting the Cossack . drooping moustache ...great facial details are seenReveiws 042.jpg ..very good quality casting .

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The uniform is well sculpted on the folds very natural , undercuts are as expected the same high quality with the rank being sculpte don the epaulettes in addition to the regimental number .
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He has a strap across his body leading to a long pouch , this could be leather or maybe cloth ..great potential for painting .
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At his waist he has a leather belt , with a nice finish on the buckle and the holes .

This piece has a lot of potential for conversion if you wish to go to the Napoleonic era but is a great piece as it is , a good companion for the Infantryman .

Final Thoughts:

Great little range from Model Cellar (more reviews will follow) ...little gems full of character and skill in casting and sculpting with good presentation.

Highly Recommended

I look forward to sharing more with you from Model Cellar

Thanks to Paul for the Review Models

Thanks for looking in

Hi Kevin. I always enjoy reading your reviews. Not just a review, a history lesson too. And I loved history at school. (Yes, I can remember that far back. Just about).