Hi Sergey,
All the exampleson Absarokee leggings made from trade cloth I had seen in museums, collections and on documentation had no side beadworks and no hermin tails, but the clasic recktagle on the bottom.
So I understand that your Abvsarokee wears buckskin leggins?
The only leggings which looks like trade cloth leggings with bead works on the side and hermine tails are in the book of Bill Holm, "Leader of Men". I don't know were he got this information. Actually all works on Bill Holm are very reliable.
For this reason I would be interested if you have any additional information or photo of a trade cloth leggings in this style I woulkd be very interested to see it, also for my Absarokee friend.
According to the trade clothe, you are right, the trade cloth used for the leggins were mainly darkblue, black, darkred, but even a dark green.
Again my highest compliment to your outstanding work and to your excellent research!!!
Many greatings and happy sculpting