Hi guys,
Thanks for the comments.
Here's a picture with the base color, shading and highlighting done on the hat. It will get a second treatment of shading and highlighting tonight (I hope).
The skintone here looks closer to the way it does in real life. Figure it's really between the two photos, closer to the second one
And there are a couple more pics in my gallery, if anyone is interested.
I'm happy that you guys like the look of fleshtone. A very nice compliment
Here's the mix I used (Gary, these are all oils, except for the undercoat):
1: I undercoat with Liquitex Deep Portrait Pink (acrylic).
2: I mixed Burnt Sienna, WN Flesh and a little Gold Ochre to a medium brown. I take some of this mix and lighten it with T. White to suit and paint this on as a base color. While still wet, I shadow this with the original mix and straight Burnt Sienna in the deeper shadows. For highlights, I mixed T. White, some WN Flesh and a little Gold Ochre to a creamy looking color and applied it to the wet base color.
3: After this dries, I do my secondary shadows with Brown Madder Alizeran and highlight with the highlight mix from above.
My only problem is that my flestones never come out looking quite the same from figure to figure. There have been some that I wish I could duplicate but just can't seem to get it
I hope this helps.
Thanks again,