A Fixture
Really like this bust from Sarnia Miniatures. Interesting subject well documented on an A4 sheet that comes with the bust. I really like the style of sculpting and this is my first attempt at painting the head using oils. The torso will be painted with acrylics due to the specific colour of the uniform and my limited oil paint supply and even more limited ability to mix specific colours.
The torso has been blocked in but the main initial concentration is the head. After priming and base coating with flesh acrylic, I got stuck in with the W&N Artisan water soluble oils.
I intend going for a more naturalistic look than high contrast which I dont like to do at the larger scales.
Here is the progress so far
The torso has been blocked in but the main initial concentration is the head. After priming and base coating with flesh acrylic, I got stuck in with the W&N Artisan water soluble oils.
I intend going for a more naturalistic look than high contrast which I dont like to do at the larger scales.
Here is the progress so far
