Completed 'After the Battle' Rorke's Drift vignette from YbrossculptS


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Jun 8, 2015
Brisbane, Queensland.
Hi Pfer's,

I've got another bunch of painting commissions on the bench, including the 'After the Battle' vignette from YbrossculptS. Depicting Lt's Chard and Bromhead, based off the amazing illustration from Rick Scollins.

I've begun by giving the entire model an undercoat in some tonal shades. I usually then start the faces first, but on this occasion I started on the process to do the Red tunics first.

I decided to take a leaf out of the aircraft modellers book and do a coat of yellow first (Jo Sonja's Turner Yellow). From there I used a mix of 3 red's, including Jo Sonja's Napthol Red Light, Vallejo Scarlet and Vallejo Dark Red, with the some yellow for highlights.

Thanks for looking.

Hi Chris

Thanks for sharing this here , never used a yellow when painting scarlet ... ,it’s a very light yellow , did you do a strong basecoat rather than a almost series of washes to build it up ?

Following with much interest

Happy benchtime

A great tribute to Rick Scollins with these superb sculpts, I have used yellow to give a faded look to red but I have not had much sucess.
Following with interest.
Hello Pfer's,

Thanks for your interest and for following along Malcolm, Simon, Mike, Nap, Warren and Bob. To answer Mike's question first, yes they are Mike ;) (y).

Well Nap, I gave it a fairly light tonal undercoat with the airbrush, come to think of it, the compressor has packed it in, it's 30+ years old so not a bad run I guess, but not good timing.

I gave it a single light coat again of the yellow. And as yellow is fairly opaque, you could argue that another coat could've been better. But as I mentioned, I stole the idea from seeing aircraft modellers using yellow first when needing to paint red on the fuselage to make it pop.

So here is the result after building layers of the red's I used. Also added a blue to the red for the darker area's.

Yes the yellow has given a lightness to the reds that can be difficult to achieve otherwise, idea borrowed!

Cheers Simon

Agree there young man

It’s seems to also give a effect of sun bleached uniform dependant on how far the paint is pushed on highs etc

I suspect Chris will have more plans for this

Is he wearing a OR’s jkt ?

Thanks for update it’s a cracker no sculpt and pairing

Looking forward to seeing more

Happy benchtime

Hi Chris

This is such a pleasure to see progress you’ve nailed the worn and weathered look , liking the way the trousers and boots are looking

Following with admiration and interest

Look forward to seeing more

Have fun with those brushes


PS Wouldn’t busts of the VC Winners in later life ( in uniform at the time ) be a nice idea ......just saying
Very nice work, enjoying following this. I make aircraft models and I've never heard of the yellow under red trick but then I again I only build WWI stuff, maybe it was introduced in WW2 :) I'll definitely be stealing that idea.....
Hello Pfer's,
Firstly thank you Simon, Warren, Kevin and Nigel, appreciate the comments and for following along. It's definitely been a bit of a game changer with the yellow as the undercoat, as well as the last highlight of the red by adding just a smidge to the red (Jo Sonja's 'Napthol Red Light'), which is a nice bright red colour. I've also mixed in some Vallejo Dark Red and also the deeper dark red shadows I've added Prussian Blue.

I've now done both figure's, the foreign service pattern helmet was dulled down using an initial colour of matt white, some mixes of flat earth and white with Vallejo smoke watered down to pool in all the nooks and crannies.

Chards chordrouy pants was initially done in a darker golden brown base with a lighter mix dry brushed over to pick up the seams.

Now onto the base, thanks for looking.


Hi Chris

Great update , Chard looks excellent and with Mr Bromhead ...a fine pair of figures ........certainly will be very popular without doubt

Look forward to seeing the base that comes with them

I’ve learnt a lot from watching this WIP , going to use the yellow and make a note of the other colours

Out of interest has the author/historian Ian Knight seen these ?

Have fun @ the brush


PS YES!......I am tempted by the pair
Now those are looking really good, a lovely subtle approach that is very effective in this larger scale. The corduroy trousers look very good, and thanks again for sharing your approach, some good tips regarding the red.
A really great pair they make, as Kev and Nigel mentioned it has been educational, both sculpting and painting. Once based they'll be show stoppers for sure.

Cheers Simon