Hi Marc, thanks very much for your comment mate. I used to say "I wish I could do that" and now I can. The only thing stopping you from being a sculptor of your own figures, is yourself. Have a go mate. Life's too short to have regrets.
G'day cobber, your little grey cells are full of Milliput, that's why you can't remember when you did this figure!! The head came from the "Killer" Caldwell figure. You must have stuck it on years ago while you were sculpting the scarf and the poncho. I've widened the eyes a little and sanded down his cheeks to make his face look a bit more gaunt. Anyway mate, I'm back to the hobby room for another session.
The good news is I can put resin figures in the oven when I'm baking the Super Sculpey bits hard and there's no permanent damage to the resin.
Hi Anthony, thanks for your comments mate.