Von Bock
A Fixture
AirBorne Miniatures Waffen SS N.C.O. Motorised Reconaisaince 200mm Figure In Box review.
Hello having noticed Colorado Miniatures posting of the 200 mm figure of the Waffen SS N.C.O. Motorised Reconaisaince I recalled having picked this figure up a few years ago. So I thought I would post a review on the figure so folks would know what to expect when it's released. The figure is sculpted in the camoed coveralls and is wearing a soft peaked cap. The figures body comes in to parts upper and lower torso. The casting is very nice. The detail is also very good. It's cast in a creal colored resin. There are 2 carriers to remove but they are not bad at all and on my example there is no noticable seam anywhere. The one thing about these large scale figures that I notice frist are the hands and face. These are done very well on this figure. The low boots are also well done and there is nice detail in the laces of my example. Also included are a holster and map case again very well done. I must state here that there are no air bubbles at all on this figure none this is great.
The soft peak cap in my example had the bill busted up but it was repaired with no problems. It was cast quite thin. the detail on the hat is very good also. There are no instruction or painting guides with this figure but it's a simple build and most 200 mm figs don't come with any. And a good referennce book will help in the painting of the camo. In scale this figure looked comparable to Warriors and Jaguar figs of this scale. The Figure is standing with one hand on his hip and one holding a map but you could very well add a weapon to this figure. All in all I was very impressed with this figure.
As stated this figure will be release soon and carried by Colorado Minitaures. Anyone who likes the large scale figure I think will be happy with this one. Here is a pic of the box top from Coloradr Miniatures. Well enjoy and lets hope more 200mm figs keep coming from Airborne Miniatures, Warriors, Jaguar, and Sol. Brock http://home.pcisys.net/~hetzer/coming_soon_903.jpg
Hello having noticed Colorado Miniatures posting of the 200 mm figure of the Waffen SS N.C.O. Motorised Reconaisaince I recalled having picked this figure up a few years ago. So I thought I would post a review on the figure so folks would know what to expect when it's released. The figure is sculpted in the camoed coveralls and is wearing a soft peaked cap. The figures body comes in to parts upper and lower torso. The casting is very nice. The detail is also very good. It's cast in a creal colored resin. There are 2 carriers to remove but they are not bad at all and on my example there is no noticable seam anywhere. The one thing about these large scale figures that I notice frist are the hands and face. These are done very well on this figure. The low boots are also well done and there is nice detail in the laces of my example. Also included are a holster and map case again very well done. I must state here that there are no air bubbles at all on this figure none this is great.