Albrecht Durer, 1500 - Centauro-Line Miniature review


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A Fixture
Aug 20, 2003
US, Oklahoma
Item 0005
Centauro- Line Miniatures
Albrecht Durer, 1500
Hero's of Art Series
1/10th scale white metal
6 parts
Sculpted by Ulrich Puchala

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This is a first in a series called "Hero's Of Art" featuring Albrecht Durer, a famous artist from 1500. It was sculpted by the talented Ulrich Puchala from the painting by Durer in 1500 and was a self portrait.

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The kit is cast in 6 white metal parts with the head being 2 parts, front with face and back with the hair.

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Above you see different views of the two part head with the seam in the hair requiring very little if any filling.

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Above you see the side views of the head showing where the seam line will be. Looking at the two halves I feel a normal clean-up of each contact surface will give a tight fit eliminating any need for filler.

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Above you see the head dry-fitted into the socket in the shoulders. The bottom two photographs show the location hole for the head on the top as well as a view of the front of the bust.

[ continued in next posting ]

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Above you see two views of the hand. Ulrich emailed me telling me he was going to do another hand as he was not satisfied with the little finger.

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Above is the 2 part plinth and a second photograph showing it dry-fitted together.

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A complete color guide comes with the kit along with photographs of the original self portrait by Durer.

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Above are two additional photographs of the Master before casting.

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Above is the self portrait painted by Albrecht Durer in 1500.

An excellent bust depicting one of the world master artist. Dry-fitting was good and seam lines were minimal. Highly recommended. I hope we see Ulrich add to this new line of "Hero's Of Art"
Centauro-Line Miniatures web-site
click here
