All please read - PF against Recaster's **POLL**


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Q: "Do you support Planet Figure taking direct measures against recaster's?"

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Greetings all.
I feel unable to vote for any of the tree options above. However I would like to put into the mix the following.
A. Planet Figures publish their definition of illegal copying / recasting. and what constitutes an illegal copy ie all of a kit or / and part of a kit etc.
That way we are all singing from the same hymn book.

B. Having identified a definition. use a self certification on each post that has a Picture of a model.
We have self certification in many ways in our life now as it is.

I certify that this is a legitimate kit of......... Produced by.............. purchased by me from ....... Manufacture, Gray Army purchase what ever.
I certify that this is a legitimate kit of......... Produced by.............. purchased by me from ...etc. This kit has been converted ( give details)

I certify that this kit is scratch built by............... and I have not used any copied parts with out authorisation.

Hi Guys

The poll has now ended with the result that : NOTHING WILL CHANGE

Thank you for those that viewed and commented

I woukd urge all to be aware of recasting , should you see it here on PF then do message me

If you list in thecMarketpkace then provide as much details as possible , a box picture if you have it , possibly include something like a self certification suggested by Mick in the previous post

Happy selling and enjoy PF

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