ALL TO NOTE PLEASE .....posting comments


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi everybody

PF welcomes all comments good and bad about all subjects in any of the sub forums .

All members are entitled to their thoughts as long as they are CONSTRUCTIVE

If a comment is made about something say why you feel like this both members and companies will be interested for example look at the way RP respond

Give your reasons why you think there is perhaps something you are not keen on in your opinion or a sculpt needs something doing

If you use your native language please if possible also post a English language version

Respect others and don't go off thread with comments

Please do PM me if you wish

Fully understand the sentiment Kev, there was another on the Art Girona release, the author was kind enough to apologise for his post which was good to see and showed the true spirit of the Forum.

As modellers we all understand the time and effort to sculpt and paint each new offering and indeed the financial risk involved. Negative comments are best left to the areas of the forum where positive critique is requested.

As you say "Respect others"

Best regards.
PF welcomes all comments good and bad about all subjects in any of the sub forums .
All members are entitled to their thoughts as long as they are CONSTRUCTIVE
Give your reasons why you think there is perhaps something you are not keen on in your opinion or a sculpt needs something doing

I'm not sure that we should comment on the lines of a release being no good. This is purely subjective and as individuals we are not in a position to make such comments unless releases are posted in the critique area of the forum.

If a comment simply states that the piece on display "is a waste of resin" without giving any reasonal explanation for this notion it is in the first place a violation of PF-posting guidelines ("DO NOT post inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages with the deliberate intent of provoking an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion" - see here

Still the two quotes above show IMHO the current dilemma of PF.
There is a group of members that feel that any piece on display - especially if it is to be commercially released - does deserve nothing but praise and other commenters need to get shouted down. This is IMHO not the solution for the problem that led to this thread (beside others) and might finally end up with a deathly silence on this forum.
If you use this forum as a free tool for marketing you have to live with all kinds of feedback on your releases and everybody is entitled to leave a comment as long as it is in line with the guidelines. Hugo Pereira of RP Models is a shining example how you can even benefit from the diverse input of PF-members as a manufacturer. My two cents.
Martin pretty much sums up my view on the matter perfectly.
Whilst most comments are overwhelmingly positive it's not uncommon to see 'negative' critical observations about new releases on PF, the vast majority being informative.
Particularly when the release is a Napoleonic figure where the criticism is usually from knowledgeable members (not rivet counters) who offer advice to correct an error. Often the sculptor / manufacturer will reply citing the source of their research ........ we all learn from this and I doubt if it has any significant effect on sales.
When I comment it's usually positive and really only on those that 'press my buttons'. In the main I find that I'm ambivilent towards the majority of releases and have little to offer either positively or negatively so like the vast majority of members I don't comment.
I seem to remember that there used to be a much higher volume of comments made on new releases, the apparent drop might be simply be due to the sheer quantity, there's been near enough 400 new releases in the last 3 months.
I agree with both Martin and Derek.
What it really boils down to in most cases is "opinions" and you know what they say about those.......And that's my opinion.

Comments bringing up inaccuracy in the historical details or pointing out issues with anatomy or proportion are fine. While I think I'm a decent judge of anatomy and proportion, I certainly benefit from hearing about the historical accuracy from people more knowledgeable on the subject and appreciate seeing those types of comments. It's also possible the manufacturer will see them and use that information to improve future releases. I'm sure at times people who leave such comments can feel shouted down by others who liked the piece. I hope that does not happen often and should not be how the forum operates. Off the top of my head I can't think of an example where someone pointed out a historical inaccuracy and was then attacked for it (though I can't say it's never happened).

I understand Keith's point as well. When someone posts about a new release, their intent is to share that info and not necessarily to ask for feedback on the painting/sculpting. Someone who posts in the vBench, on the other hand, is more likely looking for feedback. That's why, most of the time if I see a new release I don't like, I don't bother leaving a comment. That being said, I see no reason to restrict comments to being only positive. As I've already said, I especially appreciate seeing comments critiquing the historical accuracy.

The comment that sparked this thread is quite different though. Someone was very dismissive of the piece (calling it "a waste of good resin" without explanation on what they did not like) and, when asked to elaborate, instead decided to insult the user who posed the question.

The main point is be respectful to each other and, if possible, leave comments that are helpful (even if you don't like the piece).
So many talented painters and sculptors have reluctantly left this forum over the years, due to a relatively small number of keyboard warriors posting negative comments. These people typically don't make any significant contribution to the forum, they don't post and share photos of their own work and don't invite or accept criticism, but they are only too happy to disparage someone else's work when they feel like it.

I think most of us can accept criticism when its delivered in a constructive and polite manner. I've been corrected several times on matters of historical accuracy, and I believe that feedback has helped me become a better modeller. It's one of the reasons I joined this forum and the main reason why I've stayed a member for as long as I have.

We can't expect our Moderators to police every single comment on every single thread. We have to police ourselves. I agree with Andrew - If you wouldn't say it to someone's face, don't say it on this forum.
A lot of wise words. The only thing I'd like to add to this is that I don't feel critique on a new release is bad for sales and should therefore be avoided to give the producer a break.
What will be hurting sales is likely the content of the critique, not the fact that it is posted.

For example, if the anatomy of a new release is bad, most on here will notice and will refrain from buying. it is not the one or two comments that are posted about this that put me off. The critical comments merely point out what many others will see as well, and as such, should be valued by producers because it can help explain why certain figures are selling better than others.

Yes, Adrian...You are exactly right;..How many of us wannabe miniature painters really know the anatomy of a figure or what to look for in the "good the bad and the ugly" of a particular piece. If there is no artistic knowledge; the figure or kit is pretty much the wow factor....Most of us on PF don't really know what it takes to create and produce a piece that will please enough of us to make it profitable to even produce it...................................O.K....I sense myself going off on a tangent.....peace to all...........herein are the words for today.
Regards to all,
My pet hate is having comments like "It's not my scale" even when it is a common scale like 1/35 or 1/16
Or " Its not period" or "Its just another"
If everyone wrote these comments it would be crazy. Its new figure news............... not tell me you don't like the scale or I don't like Knights, Germans, Lady figures. Saying it's not my scale and that's it a wasted or rude kind of comment ( I think). It does nothing, it doesn't even say "what scale you do like" or even "what you like". One other irritation is when someone promotes another figure or brand in someone's figure news thread, I also think this is rude, especially if they add links to the other figure/ brand.
If you like something better, do a review on the better figure or paint it up or talk about it in general comments.
Just my thoughts :singing:
My pet hate is having comments like "It's not my scale" even when it is a common scale like 1/35 or 1/16
Or " Its not period" or "Its just another"
If everyone wrote these comments it would be crazy. Its new figure news............... not tell me you don't like the scale or I don't like Knights, Germans, Lady figures. Saying it's not my scale and that's it a wasted or rude kind of comment ( I think). It does nothing, it doesn't even say "what scale you do like" or even "what you like". One other irritation is when someone promotes another figure or brand in someone's figure news thread, I also think this is rude, especially if they add links to the other figure/ brand.
If you like something better, do a review on the better figure or paint it up or talk about it in general comments.
Just my thoughts :singing:

Re your pet hate " Its not my scale" If I saw a figure / Bust that I liked but not in the scale I paint. I see nothing wrong whatsoever saying " I like your figure /Bust Give reason. but 1/35 is not for me would love to see it in 1/10. This gives the manufacture feedback to the likes and dislikes of punters.
Yes, Adrian...You are exactly right;..How many of us wannabe miniature painters really know the anatomy of a figure or what to look for in the "good the bad and the ugly" of a particular piece. If there is no artistic knowledge; the figure or kit is pretty much the wow factor....Most of us on PF don't really know what it takes to create and produce a piece that will please enough of us to make it profitable to even produce it...................................O.K....I sense myself going off on a tangent.....peace to all...........herein are the words for today.
Regards to all,

Not sure if the sarcasm I perceive is intended, or my perception inaccurate, but anyhow, I fully agree everyone is free to decide on a new release's wow-factor.

Still think it is fair to critique new releases, as long as it is done in an informed manner, like 'the weapon is off because the AK47 was not used in WW1', or 'if a figure is pointing like this, the shoulder should be raised more'. My point was (reading back I don't think I was very clear) that if there are rather major hiccups in a new release this fact alone will hurt sales more than one or two comments on the forum.

Peace maintained....I hope...

Re your pet hate " Its not my scale" If I saw a figure / Bust that I liked but not in the scale I paint. I see nothing wrong whatsoever saying " I like your figure /Bust Give reason. but 1/35 is not for me would love to see it in 1/10. This gives the manufacture feedback to the likes and dislikes of punters.


Yes I agree, as that is what I said .................................... (It does nothing, it doesn't even say "what scale you do like" or even "what you like". )
Hello Adrian......No sarcasm from me. I try not to dabble in sarcasm because I'm not very good at it. I thought I was right in what I said but maybe it was just foolish babble.....Sorry.
