(Almost) My first figure


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New Member
Apr 29, 2005
Hello everybody:
This is my first post on this forum (sorry, but my english is not very good) and this is the first figure that I've painted seriously. Really, is the second one (but I don't dare to show the first one ;) ) and in default of little details, it's almost finished. It's painted with oils over an acrylic layer, except the drum, that's painted with acrylics and printer's ink. Hope you like it.




Hi Deckardt,

Welcome to the forum! I really like your (almost) first figure. Could you explain how you added the snow effect?
Originally posted by pmacko@Oct 28 2005, 03:20 PM
Hi Deckardt,
Could you explain how you added the snow effect?
Well, it's really a challenge for me to explain it with my bad english, so there I go:
The snow effect is made with a mix of dust of marble (marble's dust, it says?), wood glue and water until obtain a semi-thick paste. Then I applied small amounts of the paste with an old brush. For the mud effect, you can add to the mix some drops of acrylic earth, sand or brown paint (Vallejo's, in my case). When the paste dries, I've apllied some washes of oils in umber or sienna colors and even some drybrush if it's necessary for the contrast. Best regards
Deckardt, I like this figure and you say it's a first (or almost) attempt?! :eek: Looks really good to me ;) . Be careful with that marble dust. It's pretty bad for you and your lungs. There are a lot of manufactures that make a very nice substitute. Looking forward to seeing your finished work.

Jim Patrick