A Fixture
I simply pre-ordered one from my usual online shop. 

thanks Steve - I may be tempted to try my first 1/16th vignetteMat I am sure the Mg34 and 42 used the same ammo belt and ammunition cans.
See what you mean Jason.....there's just something a bit?.......maybe it's the slightly vague expression on the face.As someone who has tons of Germans of all varieties in this scale and have no aversion to more of them, I'm strangely blah about this one. I want to like it, I like everything John has done in the past, but not this one. Maybe when he's paired up with his partner I will like it more. Brilliant Oak leaf camo painting, though. Some of the best I have seen.
Could be, I can't put my finger on it. A look like he's taken a blow to the head, or the fact that he's just holding 2 ammo cans and not a weapon perhaps. I do think with a MG42 gunner next to him it would work better. Then it would look like he's talking to him. But as a stand alone, I'm just not feeling it. And I love me some Germans!See what you mean Jason.....there's just something a bit?.......maybe it's the slightly vague expression on the face.