Alpine miniatures vs CMK German ss soldier


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A Fixture
Feb 23, 2012
Had a double take when I looked at CMK 1/35 German SS soldier( padded jacket with hood) as it looked very similar to the Alpine figure
Anyone know if the size of figures work together
I have a CMK kit (but not the one you speak about). I've just checked and the figures have the same size than Alpine ones.

Well, there are 3 CMK figures that are nothing but mix-match of Alpine figure parts.
I contacted CMK regarding these figures via email but never heard back from them...
well, I'm not surprised.

If you are referring to CMK figure:

F35239 (1/35)
Wehrmacht soldier (Winter Clothes), Winter 1942 (1 fig)


They used lower legs from Alpine 35097, and left arm from Alpine 35064

If you are referring to CMK figure:
F35240 (1/35)
German SS soldier (Padded Jachet with Hood) Spring1943


They used legs from Alpine 35037, head from Alpine 35064, and chest/binoculars/magazine pouches from Alpine 35060.

If you are referring to CMK figure:
F35241 (1/35)
German SS soldier (Hungary 1945) 1/35


Well, you guessed it. The legs are from Alpine 35037.

Most likely, CMK will come up with an excuses like,
"well, we got the figure masters from China, and we don't know who they are"
or "we assure you that the figures are genuine".

You be the judge!

That's a fucking shit!!!:mad: It is so lowbrow from a company to mixed some parts of different figures and sell them as their own work/art. Down to the hell with this faker.

TS: I feel with you. But I'm afraid, were helpless against this "buisness methods".

Best regards,
Sorry about that mate
I thought they look like your figures/parts as I buy a lot of yours. That's why I posted as I was wanting to know without blaming if something was going on here.
I thought maybe you made them and on sold them
CMK should take them out of stock now they know
I don't understand this "great" manufacturers (like at this sumer the Scale 75), why does it earn for them?
Other thing: what can you do? I don't sculpt some kind of figures, because I know here in Hungary are some people who will copy them when I do it. But you are a wellknown manufacturer. Where is the copyrigh and law???
Wierd that a company like CMK uses this type of PIRACY.(n)
Teasung, one more proof of the quality of your work - a price to pay in these days unfortunately.:mad:

I am very confused. It's really too bad Taesung. Who ever touched these figures can obviously sculpt some what by some of the other bits so why use parts from other manufactures? It just doesn't make any sense.
Why don't you do a review on YouTube of their figures saying they have copied your parts
Or email them that you are going to do so, maybe they won't want the bad publicity