An Idea To Create A Regular Feature On Master Sculptors And Painters


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Would you be interested to read 3 monthly articles on famous sculptors/painters if they consent

  • Yes, very interested to learn more about Masters, please!

    Votes: 37 77.1%
  • Interested, but who is going to run it?

    Votes: 5 10.4%
  • No, I am not bothered

    Votes: 6 12.5%

  • Total voters


A Fixture
Jul 31, 2011
Carlisle, Cumbria

I bring forward an Idea that came from discussion with Zastrov.Cuirassier ( and is already live on some forums)

We all have sculptors and painters we admire and get inspired by their work. We collect their figures, learn from them, but , unless we meet them on shows or sometimes know them - there isn't actually much known ABOUT them.

We decided to suggest an idea of having a ( hopefully ) regular feature, lets say every 2-3 month, to tell people more about Masters - with their permission and hopefully with active involvement to answer questions.
A mini "hobby" biography if you like, if they dont mind to be slightly de-anonymised.

So the question is - is this something that:
1. People would like
2. Forum owners will support
3. Which Masters we would like to invite
4. How is it going to work - IF it takes off.

I will be honest from the start - although I am a topic starter, keen as mustard I may be, but I will not be able to take up this responsibility on my own, but I am sure there is a core group of people that will be up for it and we can make it work together.


Voted no, because in my humble opinion the top sculptors are like top athletes or top managers, people who work very hard every day to stay at the top, and have little time left for other things ...
But, I have seen a couple of them posting pictures of their work in progress on this forum; maybe these threads could be moved to a "How to sculpt" section ?
Voted no, because in my humble opinion the top sculptors are like top athletes or top managers, people who work very hard every day to stay at the top, and have little time left for other things ...

Hi Johan
I dont think you got the idea - the purpose is to learn about them as a person, what inspires them, how did they get into this hobby, where they think it takes them, i dont know - anything that they would be inclined to share. Free PR with a twist if you like

What I didnt get from you answer is whether YOU would be interested in this, rather than what you think they will think.

You are right of course, that if no one wants to get involved - its gonna flop. I am quite certain however that it will appeal to some one sense of recognition and appreciation of their skills
If a succession of interviews could be organised I think they'd be most valuable if they focussed on each person's methods, tools, development/training and any other important factors to how they create what they create. Obviously there's scope for biographical questions but there's no end of need for, and interest in, how-tos and tips & techniques material.

I think they'd be most valuable if they focussed on each person's methods, tools, development/training and any other important factors to how they create what they create.

I agree that this would be valuable - but this work will have strong comercial value - and as such - absolutely beyond the scope of what we propose.
Besides, whoever is willing to share it - is sharing it as tutorials and WIPs.

thanks for clarifying that - well speaking from a purely personal point of view then, I'd say that something like a series of interviews in which they give answers to something like "the 10 planetfigure questions for the professional sculptor" would be a good idea.

I would insist on one question, being : what inspires them, as I guess some of them could tell you a great deal about which once renowned but now forgotten military painters we should look at for inspiration; I bet some will mention Edouard Détaille and Alphonse de Neuville, well known by still quite a few of us who are long enough in this hobby, but absolutely not known by just as many newcomers to the hobby ...


answers to something like "the 10 planetfigure questions for the professional sculptor" would be a good idea.

Thats actually a good idea. I had in mind approaching an individual and asking - would you mind writing a short article about yourself and here are points that people are interested in. It is also possible for people who know them well to prepare a feature- as long as its been approved by artist and not posted beofre then.

Waterman - it is unfortunate to hear that situation escalated that way, it is moderators duty to clamp it immediatly. I am not however aware of wide spread negativism or overt persecution recently, apart from may be famous threads re postage issues that I shall not name;)

The idea is to come from 100% positive intent and postitve regard. any personal and negative comments will have to be ruthlessly stamped out by admin - as this isnt the purpose of whole endevour.
Gaudin, I suddenly recall now that something like what you have in mind was tried on Armorama where I am also a member.
Look here :
and here :

I guess they had a list of about a dozen standard questions, which they e-mailed to the sculptor, who then answers the questions one by one, then he mails it back so it can be posted on the forum ...

Well I hope this may be of any help

Gaudin that is good to hear. I make the point because I think we should be aware. In my many years experience of belonging to various groups there is always someone that never wants to take it in the good manner intended and then spoils it for the rest and we end up looseing something good and positive. Here's hoping it takes off.
On balance I said no - but I don't really care either way.

I never used to read the artist profiles in the mags like HMand MM. I am more interested in techniques and methods than replicating the cult of celebrity that seems to exist everywhere else in our society. If I want to know why someone whose work I respect got into the hobby, why they prefer this subject or that scale, I would prefer to ask them over a beer in a bar than read it on here. But if you guys do it I would probably scan it on occasion. Just not worth the work IMO. Also, who decides who a master is or isn't - are you going to use the "World Masters" - if that designation even still exists?

who decides who a master is or isn't - are you going to use the "World Masters" - if that designation even still exists?

Colin has a point there.

I think we're all different with different tastes - what's excellent to some, is crap to others. Recent discussions on this forum have proven that we all look for something different in a miniature figure. Some of us are very critical about the correct anatomical proportions, and will go for a figure that is interesting from an anatomical point of view, regardless of the subject ; others will rather choose for a subject they're interested in, and will not mind certain anatomical errors if the figure is a soldier from the historical period they're enthousiastic about ... others again, know a sculptor personally from the modelling club they're member of, and will support their friend's work ....

So many motives behind the choice of who's a master sculptor ...

I see only one solution : on to another Poll !! ;)

Who's your favourite sculptor !!! and let Democratic principles, even if not perfect, rule !!
Ok, the use of word master is perhaps too strong and too reverent.
How about a sculptor/ painter who inspires you and you would like to know better. And if alot of pleople also interested - then we approach them
Hello Gaudin, I think you have a very interesting idea and concept for your Master's interview. My only concern would be: Who would pick the participant? and, Who would it be? There are so many great Sculpters, and Painters that we all love and admire, but, don't you run the risk of perhaps, leaving someone out? In my opinion, maybe asking the Master's: Who would be willing to participate?, would give you a better indication if your topic will be successful and well received by them. I like your idea very much, and wish you the best of luck with this project, Regards, SG:)(y)
Nice idea Gaudin and I would be an interested reader.
About the question 'who decides who is a master?'.... Why not let the PF public decide who to ask?
Via a poll like that used for the Figure of the Year election for example.
Run the poll every time with the publication of the interview to decide who will be asked next.

I voted Yes, I think it's a great idea.
So much so I'd be more than happy to kick things off by humbly accepting any request to be the first 'master' interviewee.

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