A boxed diorama made for my own pleasure (the pics shown the scene without the box!!!)
The fern and the nettle plants are buyed. The other things you can see, are made by me.
Hi boys,
thanks for kind words
To your questions:
The scale is 1/32 (figur is about 50mm high)
The smaller trees are made of branches, found in the garden. The spruce tree is made of a pice of wood, wrapped with (unused!!!) toilet paper and PVA glue. Over this I put a layer of wood repair surfacer and "cracle medium" for the tree bark. The death tree on top of the rock is a branch too. Only painted with washes and drybrushing.
The foliage is drawing with a computer software ant the cuttet out wit a cnc laser cutter. After cutting out I colored the paper leaves with washes of acrylic paints (Valerio). After drying all with an hair dryer I fixed the leaves with PVA glue and an tweezers at the trees. Belive me, It seems to make a hobbyist mad, but for me its the most interesting and relaxed part of the diorama.
The base is made of little stones and styrofoarm sheets. Painted all over with acrylics and washes. Covered with a mix of lasercut leaves, static grass and dryed spices like oregano.
The figures I sculpted a few months ago for my own (company).
The rest you need is a lot of time