Andrea, crazy or what?


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A Fixture
May 26, 2004
Right here
I don't know how long this has been out but you guys seen this?


Some of the figures look quite nice but I can't imagine there'd be much market for the entire thing - in common with the other huge Andrea kits this is over a thousand Euros!!!

Saw this in one of the figure mags recently. I agree, very cool but who will buy it? On the other hand, I've thought the same thing on the other "monster kits" they've done, and they keep coming out with them - so SOMEBODY must be buying them!
I'm given to understand that Andrea, who have a track record of the 'monster' kits, reckon that they have to sell 50 to break even. And they've always been confident of this.....
I PERSONALLY would love to build this. Not pay for it mind you....just build it. Something I still don't understand about this kit though.....does it come with the lighting and is it designed to be an "update" kit for the monster sub kit? Sort of a "cut-away" display piece.

Anyone have a clue?

Jim Patrick
I myself do not understand why they come out with these "super kits". Given the production cost and what it would take to break even. Moreso I think there are other subjects that would be pretty impressive in this format.~Gary
I have seen this in the magazine "Figuren International" Nr. 20.

And it is the same for me like the crusader castle. To big and to expensive

I PERSONALLY would love to build this. Not pay for it mind you....just build it. Something I still don't understand about this kit though.....does it come with the lighting and is it designed to be an "update" kit for the monster sub kit? Sort of a "cut-away" display piece.

Anyone have a clue?

Jim Patrick

Jim, Here's a link that I found with more details about the kit:

Doesn't look like the lighting is included nor does it appear to be an update for the full length u-boat. Quite impressive nonetheless, but the price! Ouch! I think I'll content myself with the Conning tower and deck gun addition that I already have.

Thanks John. I heard it didn't have the lights which is a shame given that the box art pics show them so prominately. It certianly leads you to belive they are there but I guess adding them wouldn't be an impossible task. soon as someone hits the lottery, be sure to give us a review. LOL!

Jim Patrick
Re: Andrea Super Kits

I think most of these Andrea super kits are aimed at the collector rather than the hobbyist. Their production run is low (comparatively speaking) and at some point, they are probably made, packed, and shipped to order. They are also a big advertising ploy - as far as I know, Andrea is the only figure company doing large and expensive kits of this type - and that gets you noticed at Trade Shows.

IIRC, Bob Tavis built the Viking longship for one of his collector clients some years ago.


Let's see...U-Boot interior, U-Boot conning tower, besieged castle, trebuchet, Roman trieme, Viking ship, stage coach, U.S. Army supply wagon, French Napoleonic gun and caisson team, 30 Years War era artillery piece and ox team, various chariots and elephants--oh yeah and the ACW era steam engine, I 'm sure I've missed a few but what do you guys think might be the next monster kit put out by Andrea? My guess is a Roman Legion marching camp complete with ditch, ramparts, and leather tents.

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