Hi All,
The figure is Romeo Models 54 mm sculpted by La Rocca. Painted in oils over acylics. I have to admit that the figure base is good and detailed as the figure.
great job on a great figure!
In my opinion an often seen mistake: the blood is to harsh, after a few hours it turns really dark, and after a day or two it's rather black than red, but again, that is just my opinion...
Hi Denes,
Though I painted the red tones of blood on different poles ,i am afraid the light effects of the photo masked it some.I agree the tone of the blood on the poles carrying the skulls could be more dark or brownish and I think a wash can make it look better. On the other side, I can say (as a medical doctor ), the blood color change in time differs depending on the many factors from the biochemical structure of the blood to the surface it dries.
Thanks for your opininon my friend.
Best regards all
Excellent work, Engin. I really like this figure--as a matter of fact, it is next up on my bench! Your work--especially on the shield and tunic--will be my guide.