Review Anne Bonny from Nutsplanet


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Avast Landlubbers,

Tis the year 1720 and the Governer of Jamaica has heard of a pirate ship "Revenge" is in these waters captained by none other than that dispicable scum called Calico Jack , so he has sent a government ship to capture them .......should be an easy prize as these pirates like nothing more than to drink .....

The deed is done with not too much fight from the pirates , most are now on their way to the dark dungeons in irons awaiting a "fair" trial and a soiree with the hangman and a dance with the devil

....but we have had a somewhat surprise for amongst the prisoners was a woman full of feminine charm , dressed in men's clothing who fought harder with cutlass and pistol than most of the male crew ...the name of this "lady" ANNE BONNY

.....a favourite with the men no doubt on long hard sea voyages.....

...this is a fact as she pleads she is with child to avoid a visit to the hangman no doubt ..but the law must be seen and Dr James has confirmed that she is indeed in this we must wait till the child is born ...she has already had several stays of execution but it will be done mark my word ......

.....we now hear that she now that her father has forgiven her and she will be sent back to him after he accepted her back into his family is thought she will not meet the devil on the drop ....

Anne was captured also alongside another female ...known as Mary Read who also pleaded that she was pregnant , she was destined for the drop but escaped by dying of fever in the squalor of the jail.

So there you have it Guys ...Anne Bonny , no one has any actual idea what she looked like perhaps she was a beauty perhaps not , contemporary pictures/etching show her to be not so but whatever you believe Anne was a fearsome pirate in a mans world , a dab hand with the trade she plied , often in boarding party's.

Born in County Cork in Ireland as a result of a event between her attorney father and a serving maid , he fled to the Carolinas where he prospered , Anne married a pirate called James Bonny and she was disowned , they went to the Bahamas where she caught the eye of Calico Jack Rackham ...he offered to buy her from her husband but was returned to him.....

This and a fiery temper resulted in her and Calico slipping out of port and her life of piracy had began.

After her capture is is thought she went back to her father and lived the rest of her days in the Carolinas , her actual death is not accurately recorded but either way she did not "dance with the devil".

This is the chosen subject of a recent release from Nutsplanet ...ladies and gentleman I present :

Bonney 001.jpg

Pirates are a subject full of interesting characters and tales of horror and many meeting their final end on a gibbet , often with short but profitable lives.

Books abound of course all make interesting reading here are a few:

Continued in next post:

Lets stay on the dry dock now :

What are we looking at then ...of course its from the talented company from Korea called Nutsplanet , the release was announced by them on PF here:

Details are:

Title: Anne Bonny from The Golden Age of Piracy/Pirates of Calico Jack

Reference: NP-B014

Scale: 1/10th

Material: Gray Resin

No of pieces: 6

Sculptor: Hyun-Ju Kim
Box Art painted by: Myeong-Ha Hwang

As with all of the products they are well packed in the distinctive blue box with full colour box art on it , inspirational start IMO , the box is a strong cardboard type with the contents being held safely between foam pieces ......never any broken parts from this company on any of the review pieces I have had the pleasure to see.
Bonney 001.jpg
There are as said 6 pieces , consisting of the Torso , the tricorn hat, the feathers to the cap , the end pieces of her head scarf, a pistol and a pedestal base.
Bonney 002.jpg

Prep needed....MINIMAL is the word I would use , a casting plug on the lower edge of the torso , one from the tricorn edge , small ones from the scarf end and the feathers ...apart from this the casting is flawless , and super smooth.

Lets start with the main piece the Torso , Anne is in a serving wench type top , low cut ,highlighting her female charms, wearing a head scarf with a belt across her right shoulder which has a loop to hold the pistol, hair is flowing at the sides and back of her head .
Bonney 004.jpg
Bonney 005.jpg
Bonney 010.jpg

As I said no one knows what she really looked like so the sculptor has gone for a fine female form , a bit of a cutie and no doubt a lady who would have charmed her way into many hammocks!!!

Facial features are of a pretty woman in keeping with her lower charms!!! , good work as always on the mouth and eye features , making painting easier , the nose is a bit pointed and slightly turned up with a wide bridge at the top of it between the eyes , in no way does this detract from the face.
Bonney 008.jpg

Anne has a finely worked headscarf tightly held to the top of the head , underneath we see her flowing locks of hair , beautifully done , well formed and extremely well cast, her hair falls around her shoulders , these are bare with the material of her clothing having some of the finest sculpting I have seen from Nuts , the material sits so right on her , ruffled and positioned in all the right places ..a gem.
Bonney 011.jpg
Bonney 013.jpg

Below her obvious 2 charms we have a bodice with again nice detailing on it , at her neck we have a chain of pearls and a circular charm hanging on it , perhaps from Calico or from a treasure chest from a prize that she captured with him?
Bonney 009.jpg

Across her shoulders we have a rather nicely worked belt , adding a chance to get those leather techniques going , cuts and worn areas .

The Tricorn hat need not be used but its a beauty , nicely formed , simple in shape and accurate , there is no wear damage sculpted so you could add your own , the detail pieces on the sides are cleanly done with a locating hole for the feather , fit onto the head is spot on , no filler needed with this piece.
Bonney 014.jpgBonney 015.jpg
Bonney 016.jpg
The Feathers these are a pair and are a wonderful addition with the flights being extremely well sculpted , I particularly liked the way the surfaces have been achieved into the tricorn is excellent.
Bonney 019.jpg

The Scarf ends , these are as expected a good fit again with movement showing , if you choose to leave off the tricorn and have the scarf showing there is a great opportunity to get some nice pattern on it .
Bonney 018.jpg
The Pistol , in one word this is AMAZING work , the details of the decoration on the pieces is brilliant , the lock mechanism is a very fine piece of sculpting , fit into the loop on the belt is clean and natural .
The pistol is not a full version but about 1/2 the scale length , it looks good but IMO is a shame its not a full version.
Bonney 021.jpg

Bonney 022.jpg
Bonney 020.jpg

Finally we have the Base , this is a pedastal type as with other releases , well suited to the job it does and fit to the underside is good should you choose to use it .Bonney 003.jpg

Final thoughts:

This is as expected another fine release from Nutsplanet , extremely well sculpted , presented and with excellent details and fine casting . A fun piece with lots of different areas to enjoy , the fleshwork for one , the clothing material ..the end result ...a CRACKING piece in the display cabinet .

Very Highly recommended

Thanks to Nutsplanet for the Review model and to you all for looking in .

For more details including great pictures go to the website at:

or visit them and like at facebook :

Thanks for the out-of-box review, Nap! I like the quality of the casting. Painting busts isn't my thing, but I can appreciate the quality of the piece. I look forward to seeing Planeteers paint this one up.

For gawds sake don't let SWMBO know I've ordered this one as well lol, I'm trying to think where I've seen the build where they used some small Macaw feathers instead of the resin ones