Hi to all
I received the latest release from The Portuguese company OMEN MINIATURES , they are as most will know set up by the owner of RP Models Hugo Pereira
I reviewed the previous bust release from OMEN
here: https://www.planetfigure.com/threads/anubis-from-omen-miniatures.218407/
follow on Facebook page
As you will see Omen continue to be inspired by mythology and the ancient gods and we stay in the land of the Egyptian gods this time with a duo of Anubis ripping the heart out of a mummy
This is the release
I have to say I am normally more military in my painting but this has certainly changed my journey
Little bit of info on the subject :
In ancient Egyptian religion, Anubis is the god predominantly associated with death. As an embalmer, he is associated with mummification and viewed as a protector of graves. He also guides souls into the afterlife.
The most common symbol attributed to Anubis is the canine. In Egyptian hieroglyphs, he is usually depicted as a canine (jackal or dog) or as a man with the head of a canine. He is also often pictured in black, a symbol of death, and the color of a corpse after it is embalmed.
His black jackal head had a pointed muzzle and long, alert ears. One of the possible reasons for depicting Anubis as a jackal is that these animals were often seen skirting cemeteries.
He was also, at times, pictured carrying a flail or crook and flail. A crook is a stick with a hook at the end of it, and a flail is a stick with long tassels or ropes that hung from one end. Another item he is sometimes seen carrying is an ankh – an Egyptian symbol that meant life or immortality.
Most famously, Anubis is portrayed weighing the heart of a deceased person in the Book of the Dead, an ancient Egyptian funerary text. If the heart was heavier than a feather, the soul would be abandoned to Ammut, a female demon. If it was lighter, the soul would ascend to heaven.
First mentioned in the Pyramid Texts of the Old Kingdom (c. 2686 – c. 2181 BC), Anubis was most prominent during the Early Dynastic period in Egypt. The center of his cult was in Hardai (Cynopolis) in Upper Egypt. A shrine and a cemetery of mummified dogs and jackals were discovered at a place called Anubeion.
After the Early Dynastic period and the Old Kingdom, Anubis was overshadowed as god of the dead by Osiris. Tomb paintings of the Roman era (starting around 30 BC) show him taking the dead by the hand and guiding them to Osiris. He gained the title as inventor of embalming after practicing the art on Osiris’ body for the first time.
As bit of teaser here we have a picture of a painted version by the artist RICARDO PISA
As you can see from the 3D there are 2 busts in the box , lets have the full details:
Details of the release are
Title: Anubis bust ( Battle of Gods )
Reference: N/A
Scale: 1/10th
Material: Light Gray Resin
No of parts:16 in total
Sculptor: 3D
Casting YS Castings ( Yiannis )
Box Art: 3D
All parts were packed by the Omen team in clear bags and then in a mass of bubble wrap ...no breakages here from them
In a good strong box with a sinister black slip over cover with the unpainted 3D picture

There is a insert inside which is the same as the first bust , there is a image of what has been also released a diorama ( I will look at that as soon as it arrives!)

Here we have the parts laid out for you
I had a quick look for prep to be done ...its MINIMAL , I will mention any thing as we go through the resin parts
General comments
I received the latest release from The Portuguese company OMEN MINIATURES , they are as most will know set up by the owner of RP Models Hugo Pereira
I reviewed the previous bust release from OMEN
here: https://www.planetfigure.com/threads/anubis-from-omen-miniatures.218407/
follow on Facebook page
As you will see Omen continue to be inspired by mythology and the ancient gods and we stay in the land of the Egyptian gods this time with a duo of Anubis ripping the heart out of a mummy
This is the release

I have to say I am normally more military in my painting but this has certainly changed my journey
Little bit of info on the subject :
In ancient Egyptian religion, Anubis is the god predominantly associated with death. As an embalmer, he is associated with mummification and viewed as a protector of graves. He also guides souls into the afterlife.
The most common symbol attributed to Anubis is the canine. In Egyptian hieroglyphs, he is usually depicted as a canine (jackal or dog) or as a man with the head of a canine. He is also often pictured in black, a symbol of death, and the color of a corpse after it is embalmed.
His black jackal head had a pointed muzzle and long, alert ears. One of the possible reasons for depicting Anubis as a jackal is that these animals were often seen skirting cemeteries.
He was also, at times, pictured carrying a flail or crook and flail. A crook is a stick with a hook at the end of it, and a flail is a stick with long tassels or ropes that hung from one end. Another item he is sometimes seen carrying is an ankh – an Egyptian symbol that meant life or immortality.
Most famously, Anubis is portrayed weighing the heart of a deceased person in the Book of the Dead, an ancient Egyptian funerary text. If the heart was heavier than a feather, the soul would be abandoned to Ammut, a female demon. If it was lighter, the soul would ascend to heaven.
First mentioned in the Pyramid Texts of the Old Kingdom (c. 2686 – c. 2181 BC), Anubis was most prominent during the Early Dynastic period in Egypt. The center of his cult was in Hardai (Cynopolis) in Upper Egypt. A shrine and a cemetery of mummified dogs and jackals were discovered at a place called Anubeion.
After the Early Dynastic period and the Old Kingdom, Anubis was overshadowed as god of the dead by Osiris. Tomb paintings of the Roman era (starting around 30 BC) show him taking the dead by the hand and guiding them to Osiris. He gained the title as inventor of embalming after practicing the art on Osiris’ body for the first time.

As bit of teaser here we have a picture of a painted version by the artist RICARDO PISA

As you can see from the 3D there are 2 busts in the box , lets have the full details:
Details of the release are
Title: Anubis bust ( Battle of Gods )
Reference: N/A
Scale: 1/10th
Material: Light Gray Resin
No of parts:16 in total
Sculptor: 3D
Casting YS Castings ( Yiannis )
Box Art: 3D
All parts were packed by the Omen team in clear bags and then in a mass of bubble wrap ...no breakages here from them
In a good strong box with a sinister black slip over cover with the unpainted 3D picture

There is a insert inside which is the same as the first bust , there is a image of what has been also released a diorama ( I will look at that as soon as it arrives!)

Here we have the parts laid out for you

I had a quick look for prep to be done ...its MINIMAL , I will mention any thing as we go through the resin parts
General comments
- Smooth well cast resin of high quality
- Casting details are sharp and cleanly worked
- Only tiny casting formers to deal with
- The arm holding the mummy is re-enforced with a metal insert which means you can just base up on the Anubis or as most will probably do put a post into both