Anyone know what 1/2 scale is?


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Mar 13, 2005
St. Albert, Alberta, Canada
I'm about to start on a little scratchbuild project, and need some French Cafe style chairs and a table in 1/32 scale ( for some 54mm figures). I was looking around the interwebs for some ideas and came across a doll house site that had just what I was looking for. But the site lists the items as being in 1/2 scale, and I am not familiar with that. Is it really half the size of a real table and chairs, because I would hate to see the size of the doll house that woud accomodate these things. Mind you I have little to no experience with that end of the miniature world so I suppose it's possible ( but still!)

Anyway, does anyone know just exactly how big 1/2 scale furniture is and would that work with a 54 mm figure(s)? Does anyone know of a manufacturer in our end of the hobby that makes 1/32 chairs and tables? (I checked out Andrea, and wasn't really satisified with their options which were from the "Golden West" series).

As always, thanks in advance for taking the time to offer your advice and suggestions.
1/2 scale would be colossal compared with 1/32 scale. 1/2 scale is half the actual size.. a six foot man in 1/2 scale would be 3 feet tall, etc.

Now "half-inch" 1/2" scale is often represented as 1/12th scale

Scales in the US is often referred by the scale foot.

So it is that "quarter inch scale" means a scale in which 1/4 inch equals one real world foot.

Hope that helps :)
Furniture in 1/32 scale is few and far between, the best luck would be around model rail road items, but then in the arena the scales jump from HO (1/48) to O (1/24) :(
1/35 is a close proximation:

MiniArt is a good source too

the closest scaled furniture to your requirements are those ex-Phoenix furniture in 1/32 scale. IIt comes in various period styles. t is now being slowly reintroduced by another company S&D Models.

1/12 scale is actually the most popular dollhouse scale, followed by 1/24 scale and then by 1/48 scale.

Rgds Victor
Is it possible you're confusing dolls house furniture which 1-12th or an an inch to the foot . As I've made a few dolls houses for nieces I'm aware of this scale .
Thanks for the info everyone. It sounds as thought the 1/2 scale, whatever form it takes, wouldn't suit my design so it's off to do some scratchbuilding in a more suitable 1/32 scale.