APG Exhibit and Scale 75 Painting Clinic


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A Fixture
Dec 24, 2003
The Artist Preservation Group will be holding an exhibit of several hundred figures, in Philadelphia, PA at the Museum of the American Revolution, June 18 and 19. The exhibit will focus on miniatures from the period of the American Revolution and up to 1795. For more info go to https://artistpreservationgroup.com/2022-museum-of-the-american-revolution-exhibit/. If you plan to exhibit please make sure you register using the form on our website. There is no cost to exhibit.

Additionally, Scale 75USA will be holding a painting class by Julio Cabos at the museum on June 16 and 17. Subject of the class will be our new Light Infantry Officer from the 10th Foot produced by Scale75. This will be a great opportunity to learn from a World Master painter. All of Julio's class receive great reviews and I believe this is his first time appearing in the NE part of the country. Figure, paint, and base will be provided. Sign up now at ohttphttps://scale75usa.com/collections/paint-coursess://scale75usa.com/blogs/news/scale75usa-art-of-miniatures-painting-course-w-scale-75-usa-instructor-julio-cabos

Hope to see you there.
10th Ft Painted.jpg