A Fixture
Happy New Year Everyone,
Today is the first day of the Artist Preservation membership drive.
For those of you that are members, your renewal reminder was
mailed today.
For those of you that would like to become members, please visit
the APG website for the form or you can use PayPal.
Thank you for your support of the APG. We have done a lot of great
things over the past few years.
2018 will also be the 10th year and for those members that have
kept their membership up, there is a 10 year pin I will be sending out.
For those that are 5 year members, those pins will be mailed out to you
Please renew or consider becoming a member.
Thank you
Dee Moore
Membership Coordinator
Today is the first day of the Artist Preservation membership drive.
For those of you that are members, your renewal reminder was
mailed today.
For those of you that would like to become members, please visit
the APG website for the form or you can use PayPal.
Thank you for your support of the APG. We have done a lot of great
things over the past few years.
2018 will also be the 10th year and for those members that have
kept their membership up, there is a 10 year pin I will be sending out.
For those that are 5 year members, those pins will be mailed out to you
Please renew or consider becoming a member.
Thank you
Dee Moore
Membership Coordinator