A Fixture
Hey Alex, that's looking good, the only thing I would say is that the torso is too long now that the legs are done, it needs a few millimetres ( maybe 5) taken out of the waist, but apart from that it's very good.
I agree. Everything else is proportioned correctly but the torso is a tad too long. Maybe four or five millimeters too long.Originally posted by LCoote@May 15 2004, 06:26 AM
Hey Alex, that's looking good, the only thing I would say is that the torso is too long now that the legs are done, it needs a few millimetres ( maybe 5) taken out of the waist, but apart from that it's very good.
Hola mi buen , yo siento que te das a entender muy bien , pero si te puedo ayudar en algo con mucho gusto , tu nomas me dices que ponemos y le damos duro a la tecleadaOriginally posted by Alex Lopez@May 14 2004, 04:08 PM
Hola otra vez Edson, me animé a poner el paso a paso aquí pero me cuesta mucho darme a entender en ingles, tal vez necesite un traductor, ¿Le entras?
Hi buddy, my friend Alex sometimes has a little problems with the english, so he forgot sing in, :lol: if anyone see another mistakes with the S-b-S text just let us know, I gonna try to help him when will be necesary.Originally posted by Guy@May 17 2004, 03:11 PM
Why don't you sign in Alex?
THAT´S ALL !! Edson, grácias por la ayuda...Originally posted by Edson@May 17 2004, 06:27 PM
Hi buddy, my friend Alex sometimes has a little problems with the english, so he forgot sing in, :lol: if anyone see another mistakes with the S-b-S text just let us know, I gonna try to help him when will be necesary.
Great work.. the same theme like my latest project.. but my figure is still unfinioshed.. i have no idea how to sepatare figure for future production- headm hands and legs will be separated from body- but i dont know how cut it best and most finely- especialy curwed cut lines.. what is the best tool for cutting curved lines ?
Hi Kamil, we are not the only modelers on this theme, Im shure this, but try to make a good version...
From your question, Im sorry, I don´t know what tool is the best for cut, becouse in my sculpture technic, I try to make my model without cut, and I do it on this way because my material is very hard and difficult to cut. But, if you can see my figure progress, you will see my metod of adjust the parts. Also, I try to make the piece on a few parts as possible, I had planned that the steps figure shows it can be to produce in a one piece, and maybe only the arms separate...
I hope anybody in this foro answer your specific question, beside, is the more commun method.
Regards, Alex Lopez
Hi John, Im not shure... Maybe in the rigth arm he take the Javaline ( ¿? ) or sword, and the left arm takes the helmet put in his left legg... But, I ned plan the adjusts...Originally posted by John Long@May 19 2004, 03:35 PM
Looks terrific Alex. What attitude are the arms going to take?
Thanks Guy,Im Hurry, and maybe deside to show how paint it after coppy...Originally posted by Guy@May 21 2004, 06:12 PM
This is looking great Alex............look forward to seeing the finished figure
It`s difficult to me explain this in english... But, I sow you easyer whit images...Originally posted by John Long@May 21 2004, 06:19 PM
Great job Alex. I would like to hear more about how you made the helmet.