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- Jan 10, 2012
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Hulului ladies and gentlemen,
time for the results of the latest tutorial voting.
MV's year of the painter 2 is proud to present to you the next article in line.
Many thanks to everyone who voted since last Tuesday. We had some shy 15 votes overall.
We had 11 votes for "Spring Visualisation" and 2 for "Dino".
The winner is:
Roman will now take care of the article. We hope you enjoy!
You want to support us?
If you like to support or say thanks the monkeys of Massive Voodoo in what they do, please feel invited to drop a jungle donation in their direction via paypal or check their miniatures they got on sale.
Please keep in mind that this article is a follow up to the following ones:
Visual Studying - Learning to see and paint
Roman takes you on a journey on how to use your eyes to study the act of painting.
Visualizing: Autumn
Roman explains how real autumn handles leaves on your bases.
Visualising: Winter
Roman explains his thoughts on how to learn about winter for your projects. Please make sure - if you did not read the other ones so far - do it before digging deeper into this one.
Ok, feel invited to a walk with me into Spring now. Finding "rules" of nature, ideas that spring already gives us at hand. We learn to see them and use them on our miniature projects.
Important when we talk/think about Winter in our projects and visualizing the rules of winter is to know where we are coming from. Winter. The world was cold, at sleep, resting below a thick white layer of snow. Plants, animals, humans, everyone did hide in his cave a little more to survive cold winter times. And Spring can be an annoying fella, when it comes to decisions. Everybody feels happy that spring arrived and wishes for summer, but spring is often not sure if he is already allowed to follow up big daddy winter. So it can be a mix of temperatures, emotions and impressions.
Brown and red trees turn to green ...
Green fights his way back out of the dark ...
The personal mood of everyone who does not like winter turns better by being able to see wonderful colors again.
You gotta make a decision if you do a project in spring: Is it early spring or late spring, close to summer, this will be obvious through the colors you choose.
In detail you can observe plants prepare to grow flowers and beauty. In early spring.
All of them raising their heads to the sun.
Plop! Plop! As Spring proceeds these plants bring color.
All over the place.
Green power raising out of the ground.
Also grass, in detail it grows whereever it can. See the small ones pushing out?
Trees turn wild and beautiful with blossom while spring proceeds.
Sunsets are beautiful in winter and autumn, but also in springtime they can lift your heart while just looking at a simple field of grass.
Blossom in the sunset ... ahhhh
The weather is getting warmer, but still spring seems undecided sometimes and also rainy days can appear. After a rainfall you can find people and animals already enjoying the sun again.
Are you looking at me?
Another beautiful sunset out of the MV studio. Not typicly packed with much information about spring, but hey, beautiful colors.
Well, in fact you can say: GREEN. Make your project packed with green and you will quickly see that it looks friendly, lovely and beautiful. All models shown here, painted by Roman.
This for example does not look like spring, more like a swampy, jungle temple. We are missing flowers here. Color.
On these bases some tiny yellow flowers appear and bring color to the project. Could be timed in spring.
Over here you can see we are going into more detail. More smaller details in these plants let the base look much more friendly. Flowers are not completly grown, this could be early spring. The birds add a springish feeling to it.
Even on a bust you can implement spring with flowers and yellow greenish colors:
Another project that is packed with several grass and stuff, the small flower stuff makes it much more springy.
If you want to reach out and make a very springish base then you need flowers and colors. It can look weird if you choose also many powerful colors on the miniature, but overall the project looks in the midst of spring. Important to fully achieve a look of powerful spring is that you mix stuff. Put different materials together to make it look like the real thing.
- Grass and Turf from several brands.
If you want to use high quality here we can recommend products from Polakmodel.
Also check minisocles stuff over here.
- You can collect real blossom and flowers and dry them. You can even check if you can preserve them with glycerin.
- Additional you can add small animals from Busch or minisocles to it, to show that small animals are running around and celebrating spring.
Well, first build your base, paint everything and place the grass and flower stuff afterwards. Also check for the colors of the material you place, if it fits to other colors on the base.
Plan with it from the beginning, but apply it after the paintwork. Work from big areas to smaller details. Every minute you put in can make the base more detailed. A flower here, a flower there and another there and push yourself to another one over there. And another one. Easypeasy, do another one. Stop when you think you are done, not when you are feeling demotivated. Flower Power everywhere!
Summaring you can say: Keep your eyes open, observe and put your observations to good use on your bases, in spring, in winter and autumn. Soon we will hopefully talk about summer.
I hope you enjoyed the article!
Keep on happy painting!
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time for the results of the latest tutorial voting.
MV's year of the painter 2 is proud to present to you the next article in line.
Many thanks to everyone who voted since last Tuesday. We had some shy 15 votes overall.
We had 11 votes for "Spring Visualisation" and 2 for "Dino".
The winner is:

Roman will now take care of the article. We hope you enjoy!
You want to support us?
If you like to support or say thanks the monkeys of Massive Voodoo in what they do, please feel invited to drop a jungle donation in their direction via paypal or check their miniatures they got on sale.
Please keep in mind that this article is a follow up to the following ones:
Visual Studying - Learning to see and paint
Roman takes you on a journey on how to use your eyes to study the act of painting.
Visualizing: Autumn
Roman explains how real autumn handles leaves on your bases.
Visualising: Winter
Roman explains his thoughts on how to learn about winter for your projects. Please make sure - if you did not read the other ones so far - do it before digging deeper into this one.
Ok, feel invited to a walk with me into Spring now. Finding "rules" of nature, ideas that spring already gives us at hand. We learn to see them and use them on our miniature projects.
Important when we talk/think about Winter in our projects and visualizing the rules of winter is to know where we are coming from. Winter. The world was cold, at sleep, resting below a thick white layer of snow. Plants, animals, humans, everyone did hide in his cave a little more to survive cold winter times. And Spring can be an annoying fella, when it comes to decisions. Everybody feels happy that spring arrived and wishes for summer, but spring is often not sure if he is already allowed to follow up big daddy winter. So it can be a mix of temperatures, emotions and impressions.
Brown and red trees turn to green ...

Green fights his way back out of the dark ...

The personal mood of everyone who does not like winter turns better by being able to see wonderful colors again.
You gotta make a decision if you do a project in spring: Is it early spring or late spring, close to summer, this will be obvious through the colors you choose.
In detail you can observe plants prepare to grow flowers and beauty. In early spring.

All of them raising their heads to the sun.

Plop! Plop! As Spring proceeds these plants bring color.

All over the place.

Green power raising out of the ground.

Also grass, in detail it grows whereever it can. See the small ones pushing out?

Trees turn wild and beautiful with blossom while spring proceeds.

Sunsets are beautiful in winter and autumn, but also in springtime they can lift your heart while just looking at a simple field of grass.

Blossom in the sunset ... ahhhh

The weather is getting warmer, but still spring seems undecided sometimes and also rainy days can appear. After a rainfall you can find people and animals already enjoying the sun again.

Are you looking at me?

Another beautiful sunset out of the MV studio. Not typicly packed with much information about spring, but hey, beautiful colors.

Well, in fact you can say: GREEN. Make your project packed with green and you will quickly see that it looks friendly, lovely and beautiful. All models shown here, painted by Roman.
This for example does not look like spring, more like a swampy, jungle temple. We are missing flowers here. Color.
On these bases some tiny yellow flowers appear and bring color to the project. Could be timed in spring.

Over here you can see we are going into more detail. More smaller details in these plants let the base look much more friendly. Flowers are not completly grown, this could be early spring. The birds add a springish feeling to it.

Even on a bust you can implement spring with flowers and yellow greenish colors:

Another project that is packed with several grass and stuff, the small flower stuff makes it much more springy.
If you want to reach out and make a very springish base then you need flowers and colors. It can look weird if you choose also many powerful colors on the miniature, but overall the project looks in the midst of spring. Important to fully achieve a look of powerful spring is that you mix stuff. Put different materials together to make it look like the real thing.
- Grass and Turf from several brands.
If you want to use high quality here we can recommend products from Polakmodel.
Also check minisocles stuff over here.
- You can collect real blossom and flowers and dry them. You can even check if you can preserve them with glycerin.
- Additional you can add small animals from Busch or minisocles to it, to show that small animals are running around and celebrating spring.
Well, first build your base, paint everything and place the grass and flower stuff afterwards. Also check for the colors of the material you place, if it fits to other colors on the base.
Plan with it from the beginning, but apply it after the paintwork. Work from big areas to smaller details. Every minute you put in can make the base more detailed. A flower here, a flower there and another there and push yourself to another one over there. And another one. Easypeasy, do another one. Stop when you think you are done, not when you are feeling demotivated. Flower Power everywhere!
Summaring you can say: Keep your eyes open, observe and put your observations to good use on your bases, in spring, in winter and autumn. Soon we will hopefully talk about summer.
I hope you enjoyed the article!
Keep on happy painting!
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