|Name=Atlanta Military Figure Society
|Logo=[[File:Amfs.gif|AMFS Logo|300px|thumb]]
|president=George Christy
== AMFS History==
In 1975 local figure modeling enthusiasts joined together to create the Atlanta Soldier Society. The group met at a local hobby shop, Historical Hobbies, to discuss figure painting and the hobby of military miniatures. Their enthusiasm led to the club's first miniature figure show, which was hosted at a local bank in 1977. Its success attracted new members to the young organization and prompted the show to become an annual event.
In 1979, the show moved to the Admiral Benbow Inn (now The Best Western Hotel in Doraville, GA), beginning the on-going expansion of the show and the transition to 3 improved sites over the next 16 years. A conscious effort within the club to educate modelers led to an extensive club newsletter, The Rebel Sabretache", which flourished until the mid 1990's when new mediums for information were well established in the hobby. Its presence in the miniature figure hobby drew more members to the organization and the hobby of miniature figure painting.
==Meeting and Locations==
The Atlanta Military Figure Society regularly meets on the third Saturday of each month. The meetings take place at Triple AAA Hobby in Marietta, Georgia.
The monthly meetings begin promptly at 10:00 AM EST and typically last no longer than 2 hours. The meetings feature show-and-tell; news about club events and the modeling community; how-to demonstrations and discussions on modeling techniques; and a sought-after door prize. Afternoons following meetings are available for sessions to work on club and personal modeling projects
Figure modelers of all ages and skill levels are welcome. Everyone attending AMFS meetings enjoys socializing with fellow modelers and frequently gathers afterwards for lunch at a nearby restaurant.
==Club Officers==
*George Christy - Club President
*Mark McGinnis - Show Chairman and Awards Coordinator
*Joe Singletary - Registration and Pre-Registration Coordinator
*Terry Martin - Communication Coordinator
*Tammy Fontenot - Show Brochures
*DR. David Wiggins - Public Relations Chairman
*Lou Coroso - Vendor Coordinator
*Benjamin Christy - Club Secretary
*Chris Fontenot - Webmaster
==Mailing address==
The Atlanta Military Figure Society, Inc.
PO Box 191212
Atlanta, Ga 31119-1212
==External Links==
[http://www.atlantafigures.com Official AMFS Website]
==Meeting Map==
[http://www.google.com/maps/place?ci...q=Triple+AAA+Hobby+in+Marietta,+Georgia&gl=us Google Maps]
|Name=Atlanta Military Figure Society
|Logo=[[File:Amfs.gif|AMFS Logo|300px|thumb]]
|president=George Christy
== AMFS History==
In 1975 local figure modeling enthusiasts joined together to create the Atlanta Soldier Society. The group met at a local hobby shop, Historical Hobbies, to discuss figure painting and the hobby of military miniatures. Their enthusiasm led to the club's first miniature figure show, which was hosted at a local bank in 1977. Its success attracted new members to the young organization and prompted the show to become an annual event.
In 1979, the show moved to the Admiral Benbow Inn (now The Best Western Hotel in Doraville, GA), beginning the on-going expansion of the show and the transition to 3 improved sites over the next 16 years. A conscious effort within the club to educate modelers led to an extensive club newsletter, The Rebel Sabretache", which flourished until the mid 1990's when new mediums for information were well established in the hobby. Its presence in the miniature figure hobby drew more members to the organization and the hobby of miniature figure painting.
==Meeting and Locations==
The Atlanta Military Figure Society regularly meets on the third Saturday of each month. The meetings take place at Triple AAA Hobby in Marietta, Georgia.
The monthly meetings begin promptly at 10:00 AM EST and typically last no longer than 2 hours. The meetings feature show-and-tell; news about club events and the modeling community; how-to demonstrations and discussions on modeling techniques; and a sought-after door prize. Afternoons following meetings are available for sessions to work on club and personal modeling projects
Figure modelers of all ages and skill levels are welcome. Everyone attending AMFS meetings enjoys socializing with fellow modelers and frequently gathers afterwards for lunch at a nearby restaurant.
==Club Officers==
*George Christy - Club President
*Mark McGinnis - Show Chairman and Awards Coordinator
*Joe Singletary - Registration and Pre-Registration Coordinator
*Terry Martin - Communication Coordinator
*Tammy Fontenot - Show Brochures
*DR. David Wiggins - Public Relations Chairman
*Lou Coroso - Vendor Coordinator
*Benjamin Christy - Club Secretary
*Chris Fontenot - Webmaster
==Mailing address==
The Atlanta Military Figure Society, Inc.
PO Box 191212
Atlanta, Ga 31119-1212
==External Links==
[http://www.atlantafigures.com Official AMFS Website]
==Meeting Map==
[http://www.google.com/maps/place?ci...q=Triple+AAA+Hobby+in+Marietta,+Georgia&gl=us Google Maps]